New SDA SRS2 owner with a couple of questions

I guess an introduction to start:
I am a vintage audio collector like many here I suspect.
I found this forum searching for SDA SRS series speakers. Rex 81 had a pair for sale, but I was one day too late :( This forum seems to be active and helpful so it is a good find.

I was able to purchase my "second choice" pair local to me after auditioning them, but they are all original without the upgrades.

On the vintage equipment side - I have a few monster receivers from the late 70's, (Pioneer SX1050, SX1280, Sansui G901DB), A few turntables, A couple sets of vintage speakers, KEF 104/2, HPM 100's.

Anyway, enough of that I have a few starting questions as I prepare to start to enjoy my SDA SRS2 (blade - blade).

1. Has anyone connected a SX1280 or G901DB (same as G9000) to these? I have checked 3 sources and all tell me that they use a common ground. I figure that it can't hurt to ask the question in a forum with Polk fanatics. I also have a Luxman M383, but I am not positive yet if it is a common ground amp...

2. The wood on the top of one of the speaker enclosures is slightly loose. I want to know the best way to tighten this up. Go through the mid openings? If so, what surprises might doing this lead to?

3. They need a good cleaning and I will probably refinish them with Watco natural, but I will determine that later. What is a good safe way to clean the tweeter, if any?

I have restored my KEF 104/2 so I have some general experience with refinishing, and re-foam, but I do not plan to dive into this enclosure without some more research first.

I will post some pics a little later assuming I have the rights to post images.



  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,000
    I'm not aware of any receiver that isn't common ground.

    Depending on the model the end caps are either bolted on as I believe yours are or stapled and glued. Pop out a driver for a look see.

    Clean the tweeter dome or bezel?
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • I had SRS 2s and the top and bottom are bolted on. Mine were quite loose and therefore detrimentally affecting the bass. You can reach them by pulling the mids or the PR at the bottom.
  • I have a pair of 86 SRS2s I have been working on for six months and my end caps were bolted on, Most of the nuts were only hand tight and one actually unthreaded the whole bolt from the cap. Surprisingly they passed the pressure test.
  • Schurkey
    Schurkey Posts: 2,115
    ramair1 wrote: »
    I prepare to start to enjoy my SDA SRS2 (blade - blade).
    Congratulations. You are the first person I can think of to describe SRS 2 speakers in terms of blade/blade or pin/blade without being prompted.

    Your ohmmeter is your best guide when determining common-ground vs. partial-common-ground vs. non-common-ground. Connect meter between the negative terminals of the two channels, read the lowest-ohms scale available on the meter. Anything over 1 ohm is a potential problem. 20 ohms made my 1Bs (smaller brother to SRS 2 blade/blade) unlistenable.

    Updating the crossovers on my 1Bs produced supremely satisfying improvement in sound quality. You'll want to find time and dollars for that.