Small Polk score today

Picked up a nice condition pair of RT600i's and a CS175i center for $40. Trying to decide if I want those towers or keep the Monitor 5jr+ in my bedroom.

Thoughts anyone? It's 75% steaming movies/tv and 25% music for me. Quick A/B for me has the Monitor 5jr's with better mids and bass and the RT's with better highs. With my weak high freq hearing, that's not a much of a plus as it should be for most people.


  • rooftop59
    rooftop59 Posts: 8,121
    Which tweeter do the 5jrs have? I know that my M5s with peerless were really sweet sounding, lots of mid detail, and the bass was tight and textured, but didn't plumb the depths. For music, its 5s all day for me (with the peerless at least). For casual movies/tv, its more of a toss up!
    Living Room 2.2: Usher BE-718 "tiny dancers"; Dual DIY Dayton audio RSS210HF-4 Subs with Dayton SPA-250 amps; Arcam SA30; Musical Fidelity A308; Sony UBP-x1000es
    Game Room 5.1.4:
    Denon AVR-X4200w; Sony UBP-x700; Definitive Technology Power Monitor 900 mains, CLR-3000 center, StudioMonitor 350 surrounds, ProMonitor 800 atmos x4; Sub - Monoprice Monolith 15in THX Ultra

    Bedroom 2.1
    Harmon Kardon HK3490; Bluesounds Node N130; Polk RT25i; ACI Titan Subwoofer
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    M5jrs+ have the SL2500 tweeters. I also had them on the M7C's that I used to own and like them well enough. But, as I said, my old hearing isn't great for highs.
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    I think it's time for me to try the RDO198's out. I have avoided upgrading the tweeters in my M7's and M5's because of my poor high freq hearing, but it still might be an improvement even for me. If not, my daughter will probably "inherit" them eventually.

    Maybe get someone to do the upgrade on the crossovers this year also just to see what all the fuss is about.
  • If you have any soldering skills at all the 5jr+ would be a great crossover for the first time upgrader.

    I have tinnitus from hell and find the RD0198-1 to be easier to listen to over the SL2500.
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    If you have any soldering skills at all the 5jr+ would be a great crossover for the first time upgrader.

    I have tinnitus from hell and find the RD0198-1 to be easier to listen to over the SL2500.

    I haven't soldered anything since I was 17 in shop class. I would love to learn how to do crossovers but I don't have any experience with it and don't really have a work area since I live in a townhouse. Letting an expert do it is my best option.
  • rooftop59
    rooftop59 Posts: 8,121
    Chances are your hearing loss is in the top 6-8 Khz. Those tweets are going to take over somewhere in the 2500-3000 hz range, so still LOTS of room for improvement that you can enjoy. I think it would be a worthwhile upgrade for you!
    Living Room 2.2: Usher BE-718 "tiny dancers"; Dual DIY Dayton audio RSS210HF-4 Subs with Dayton SPA-250 amps; Arcam SA30; Musical Fidelity A308; Sony UBP-x1000es
    Game Room 5.1.4:
    Denon AVR-X4200w; Sony UBP-x700; Definitive Technology Power Monitor 900 mains, CLR-3000 center, StudioMonitor 350 surrounds, ProMonitor 800 atmos x4; Sub - Monoprice Monolith 15in THX Ultra

    Bedroom 2.1
    Harmon Kardon HK3490; Bluesounds Node N130; Polk RT25i; ACI Titan Subwoofer
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    rooftop59 wrote: »
    Chances are your hearing loss is in the top 6-8 Khz. Those tweets are going to take over somewhere in the 2500-3000 hz range, so still LOTS of room for improvement that you can enjoy. I think it would be a worthwhile upgrade for you!

    In that case, where do I order :) I guess I should have done some homework on where the tweeters take over. I always think of them as just the "highs". My drop off is pretty sharp after 8Khz so I tended to assume they won't help me.
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,339
    DSkip wrote: »
    Often times even those frequencies we can't hear still play a role in the presentation. Many people get intimidated by the "golden ears", but in truth even I have rather severe hearing loss in my left ear and some high frequency loss in my right ear. I get frustrated when people immediately revert to the "I probably wouldn't hear a difference due to...". Give it a shot and see what happens. 95% of the time, what you don't think you will hear is glaringly obvious when it affects your own rig.

    I am in my 60's but have dealt with my hearing loss all my life. It's worse that it was, but I had a drop off in highs since I was in grade school. So, I don't even really know what I am missing. For me, something less than 10Khz has always been normal.

    But I will try out the 198's as long as they are just a drop in for the SL2500's, which I believe they are. I assume I just remove the old tweeters and reconnect the wires on the new ones.
    PSOVLSK Posts: 5,280
    DSkip wrote: »
    As an example, our very own PSOVLSK was shocked when he heard the same differences I heard when switching from a granite plinth to a wood plinth underneath my speakers. It was not subtle though his expectation was that it would be.

    True story ;)
    Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out.-John Wooden