Any DCM spkr lovers ? Went on an Ebay buying spree !!

Was playing with my 45 year old DCM Qed's. Was in the mood !! Started playing oldies from the early 50's, 60's and 70's ! Sounded AWESOME!!.

Went on Ebay and bought:

- pair of DCM cx-17 - I have owned these before and are great.


- TWO pairs of DCM Time Pieces (Originals) - never heard before.

... maybe a total Surround System !!!

Ca-**** !!!


  • halo71
    halo71 Posts: 4,596
    QED's are 45 years old?!?

    I have a pair of TF600's that I'll never part with.
    Onkyo Integra M504, Bottlehead Foreplay III, Denon SACD, Thiel CS2.3, NHT VT-2, VT-3 and Evolution T6, Infinity RSIIIa, SDA1C and a few dozen other speakers around the house I change in and out.
  • dee1949
    dee1949 Posts: 1,425
    ... Fun read for you youngsters !!!

    ,,, a short history below. Also Google "transmission line" speakers !!

    -- the last of the GREAT DCM speakers was the CX and Time Frame series !!

    - They experimented with "transmission line" and "coaxial" configurations way ahead of their time !!
  • halo71
    halo71 Posts: 4,596
    edited December 2016
    Yep, the 600's have dual 6.5" woofers with a tweeter mounted in the middle of the top woofer. Great imaging speakers. And 2 tweeters firing out the back at angles.
    Onkyo Integra M504, Bottlehead Foreplay III, Denon SACD, Thiel CS2.3, NHT VT-2, VT-3 and Evolution T6, Infinity RSIIIa, SDA1C and a few dozen other speakers around the house I change in and out.
  • dee1949
    dee1949 Posts: 1,425
    halo71 wrote: »
    QED's are 45 years old?!?

    I have a pair of TF600's that I'll never part with.

    *** ***************************************************

    Yes !! the Qed's were DCM's Swan Song. Put them into contention with the big boys.

    Transmission line design provided the most accurate bass at the time (imo). They were high end in their day and are very hard to find in the used market. I have held on to mine for more than 40 years. Also had Time Windows (off and on) Time Windows 3, and CX and Time Frames.

    I like the concentric design of the CX series. Similar to coaxial speakers. and bargain priced. I have my pairs so you can now spread the word. For the cost of dinner out with the wife !! She will understand ???
  • scottyboy76
    scottyboy76 Posts: 2,905
    liked playin with our different dcms, we owned some tf250s, tf400s, tw1s,tw1as, and recapped some tw3s,i don't know if we had the wrong room or something for the 3s, but they really didn't impress, the 1as were a whole diff story, here in our little LR, they beat everything we have had except the sda1cs sitting here now.

    AVS forums has a very interesting thread called"Whatever happened to steve eberbach" one of the guys did a beautiful job recreating, not restoring some tw7s with steves help, well worth a look, now give me those QEDs.
    humpty dumpty was pushed
  • dee1949
    dee1949 Posts: 1,425
    halo71 wrote: »
    Yep, the 600's have dual 6.5" woofers with a tweeter mounted in the middle of the top woofer. Great imaging speakers. And 2 tweeters firing out the back at angles.


    .. The DCM TF600's are held in high regard. A lot of reviewers state that they beat out the top of the line TF1000's. Good old American know how - back in the day. Now days you are looking at 2 grand and up !
  • dee1949
    dee1949 Posts: 1,425
    .... if interested a review of the DCM Qed speaker:
  • dee1949
    dee1949 Posts: 1,425
    liked playin with our different dcms, we owned some tf250s, tf400s, tw1s,tw1as, and recapped some tw3s,i don't know if we had the wrong room or something for the 3s, but they really didn't impress, the 1as were a whole diff story, here in our little LR, they beat everything we have had except the sda1cs sitting here now.

    AVS forums has a very interesting thread called"Whatever happened to steve eberbach" one of the guys did a beautiful job recreating, not restoring some tw7s with steves help, well worth a look, now give me those QEDs.


    Ciao Scotty

    Keep your eye out for a pair. If you find ????..... they are usually below $150.00 because the foam grille is missing. You can get enough foam below for a pair for under $20.00. bring baCK TO NEAR new.

    - They are MY Reference speaker for last 30 years. Love the bass out put.

    - Had much\better speakers pass thru, but always loved the Qed and Time Windows !!

  • pumpkinman
    pumpkinman Posts: 9,702
    I have a pair TF-600's that I plan on holding on to.

    Because I am The Pumpkinking

    A Kind Word Is An Easy Gift To Give
  • Dawgfish
    Dawgfish Posts: 2,554
    I've had several pairs of Timeframes and Time windows. They were all really good sounding. Don't have any currently, but definitely wouldn't mind having another pair, especially some Time window 1As.
  • lightman1
    lightman1 Posts: 10,786
    Hey Dee(?)....When I pick that bigass paper weight amp..a DCM listening session is in order. Deal?
  • dee1949
    dee1949 Posts: 1,425
    ... always FUN for an audition for friends.
  • dee1949
    dee1949 Posts: 1,425
    ... Just got in a pair of the DCM Timepiece. Temp hook up to an old HK Home theater receiver.


    ... Gotta luv the Transmission Line design !! Awesome flat bass... supposedly down to 60db. More than enough for desktops and small rooms.

    Played my favorite bass test . Burmester CD III - trac 10 - "Poem of Chinese Drums ""

    ... Awesome flat bass !!!

    Beside being a transmission line design, they are concentric/coaxial. Tweeter centered in woofer driver. Way ahead of their time. Pin point audio with awesome soundstage.

    Makes you wonder why their aren't more of these type designs. Of course COST !!! But still !!
  • scottyboy76
    scottyboy76 Posts: 2,905
    Nice pair you got there, Btw eberbach was always trying to get great sound using less than the most expensive materials, I was kinda surprised to find out the curved backs of time windows were sonotubes, thehard pressboard tubes normally used in construction to fill with concrete to form support bases.
    humpty dumpty was pushed
  • dee1949
    dee1949 Posts: 1,425
    ... DCM bookshelves . Below is CX-17 - lower bass, slightly larger cabinet.


    ... below is review of CX-17. The DCM Timepiece is rarer and commands a higher price.

    dcm cx-17 - 16"x10x9
    dcm timepiece - 16"x8x8

    ... offer the best bang for the buck !

    ... They beat out the Polk Monitor 4 and 5jr's for imaging and accurate bass. Still have a pair of Polk 5jr's.
  • dee1949
    dee1949 Posts: 1,425
    Nice pair you got there, Btw eberbach was always trying to get great sound using less than the most expensive materials, I was kinda surprised to find out the curved backs of time windows were sonotubes, thehard pressboard tubes normally used in construction to fill with concrete to form support bases.

    .... yes in my other life I was an Architect !!! Love the simple pedestal design of the Time Windows. Fits any interior. ...and with Awesome bass.

    What is harder to believe, They did all their designs by EAR !!! No computers to analyze data . Amazing they sound so good to this day !!!