Bose 141?

These are what I have at retirement home lol. Is anyone into single driver speakers? If so why? It's something that I maybe can afford to explore. Does anyone run singles for their mains,if so tell me about it. Thanks


  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 33,957
    edited December 2016
    I like single-drivers (and coaxes) but my tastes run a little afield of the 141s.

    Maybe you'd like to try a pair of Tektons or Ed Schilling's "The Horns"?

    Our (current) retirement home is spacious enough to accommodate some option creation :)

    In fact, when we first brought the NH house on line, I started with a pair of fullrangers.
    (these are Fostex FE207E 8" twincones in 1 ft^3 BR cabinets)

    9598891997_cb427c3552_b.jpgDSC_5663 by Mark Hardy, on Flickr

    later, as you know, things got more -- cluttered.

    9599007591_1f3e441faf_b.jpgDSC_6399 by Mark Hardy, on Flickr

    (these are Radio Shack 40-1354 5-1/4" twincone drivers in mass loaded folded, tapered quarter-wave tubes)

    Finally, these are a pair of Pioneer/Parts Express "69 cent wonders" in 'optimal' BR cabinets built by my son as a high school science fair project.

    28996747503_0f9e3e3aa1_b.jpgDSC_5788a by Mark Hardy, on Flickr

    (the Duplexes look on approvingly and perhaps a bit paternally)

    No Boses here these days; I did have a pair of 201s for a while; I thought they were pretty respectable.