Wattage for DB6502 components?

Hello, I have had a pair of DB6502's running in my front stage (no rear) off a Pioneer FH-X731BT unit in network mode. Network mode allows me to forgo the DB6502 included passive crossover and set the slopes, crossover points where I think they sound best. It also delivers the full 14wrmsx4 because each speaker, mid, mid, tweeter, tweeter, gets fed a unique signal from each channel of the amp.

This has worked great, but I currently picked up a 502rmsx4 amp and will install this weekend. My question is even though the speakers are rated at 100wrms per side, will I be overpowering the tweeters with 50 w rms fed directly to it?



  • Hello,
    Welcome to Polk's forum. You should use the capabilities of your system to limit the frequency range given to the tweeter. This would place a high pass filter with fairly steep slopes (at least 12dB per octave) before the tweeter at 2.0/2.5kHz. You would then listen to your system and if you hear any harshness or stridency or brittle quality to the sound then reduce the output to the tweeter until that sound goes away and you hear a smooth quality.
    Regards, Ken