Polk Monitor 10B Help / Questions.

Posts: 2
I have a few newbie questions on where to start. I have experience working with turntables and receivers, but not speakers. I always had a good setup but I never had good speakers until what I feel like is now. I love these speakers, they're near mint physically, but I have issues and questions.
1] I’ll get those most embarrassing question of the way first… what wire do I need? I have a SX850 Receiver, and all speakers I’ve owned previously had wires integrated into the speakers, and just plugged right into the receiver. So I’m not sure what wires I need so I have not even be able to test these out.
2] Tweeters vs Crossovers. If I were to upgrade one first, what’s the best to go with? These have the silver coil not peerless, and I know there is a Polk recommended tweeter RD-something that’s advised for upgrades that are around $55 each. I’ve also read though that crossovers have a more noticeable impact when upgraded versus tweeters. Would anyone recommend one first? I am leaning towards crossovers as I have an issue already with one the binding posts, and the tweeters look great.
3] Upgrade crossover kits on eBay. Good, bad, average, scam? I’m still very new when it comes to doing these things myself, and I notice there’s a handful of listings to have these kits already made, which probably is easier for me, but I’m not sure it’s the best quality. I don’t want cheap parts as I plan not to upgrade for a long time. Here seems to be the most popular: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Polk-Crossover-Upgrade-Repair-Service-For-Vintage-Monitor-SDA-RTA-Series-/230816699940?hash=item35bdbf5624:m:mesJMPAuTAdltm7D5maqixA
4] In one the speakers when I tip it side to side something inside is loose, and can hear it tumble around inside. What’s the easiest most painless way to figure out what that is, and open the speaker up?
Thanks so much for any advice/help. If you need any pictures let me know. I am taking a lot anyway for a blog.
1] I’ll get those most embarrassing question of the way first… what wire do I need? I have a SX850 Receiver, and all speakers I’ve owned previously had wires integrated into the speakers, and just plugged right into the receiver. So I’m not sure what wires I need so I have not even be able to test these out.
2] Tweeters vs Crossovers. If I were to upgrade one first, what’s the best to go with? These have the silver coil not peerless, and I know there is a Polk recommended tweeter RD-something that’s advised for upgrades that are around $55 each. I’ve also read though that crossovers have a more noticeable impact when upgraded versus tweeters. Would anyone recommend one first? I am leaning towards crossovers as I have an issue already with one the binding posts, and the tweeters look great.
3] Upgrade crossover kits on eBay. Good, bad, average, scam? I’m still very new when it comes to doing these things myself, and I notice there’s a handful of listings to have these kits already made, which probably is easier for me, but I’m not sure it’s the best quality. I don’t want cheap parts as I plan not to upgrade for a long time. Here seems to be the most popular: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Polk-Crossover-Upgrade-Repair-Service-For-Vintage-Monitor-SDA-RTA-Series-/230816699940?hash=item35bdbf5624:m:mesJMPAuTAdltm7D5maqixA
4] In one the speakers when I tip it side to side something inside is loose, and can hear it tumble around inside. What’s the easiest most painless way to figure out what that is, and open the speaker up?
Thanks so much for any advice/help. If you need any pictures let me know. I am taking a lot anyway for a blog.
That ebay ad is from a member here, good guy does excellent work.The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
It is imperative that we recognize that an opinion is not a fact. -
In regrds to finding out what is rattling around inside - remove the passive radiator (the large driver below the 2) 6 1/2" drivers). That will allow you to see inside the cabinet to see what is rolling around. The passive radiator and the 6 1/2 drivers for that matter, may need some persuasion to get them out, as the gaskets may be stuck to the cabinet. A small screwdriver may work, but I have had good success using one of my wife's fine silver butter knifes. If you go that route I would recommend not getting caught. My wife really gets pi$$ed when I use them for anything other than butter on muffins. In any case just be careful to not knick up the cabinet or screw up the driver.
If you are good at soldering you can buy new caps and resistors and rebuild the crossovers yourself. If not, there are several options to have someone rebuild them for you. Many people on the Polk forum including myself have used westmassguy (Dave) to rebuild their crossovers. You can contact him and decide which way you want to go.
Tweeter replacement will be important as well. The silver dome SL2000 is generally not well liked. The RDO-194 is a fine drop in replacement. Keep in mind that you may like the SL2000. It is a matter of taste, well really hearing.
Speaker wire is a topic that can turn into a free for all. Everyone has their preference, but you will probably be better off if you use something better than the local hardware store.
In any case keep in mind that everything is cumulative. From the sound source, the amplification, the wires, speakers etc etc, Not sure if any of this helps but, in case welcome to the Polk forum and also, welcome to the infamous "Rabbit Hole"! -
Lord above. The first thing I would do is slowly and very carefully remove the 6 1/2 inch drivers without bumping or dropping the cabinet in any way then epoxy those magnets..I would not even move positions of those speakers until I was done with this simple procedure. Read and search around the site here for a how to..The best upgrade I know is to not downgrade in split second..Ask me how I know.
First of all, welcome! I'm relatively new around here as well.
I recommend that you search the forum. You will find a plethora of information to help you with your speakers.
I'll give you a head start. Read this:
It answers many of your questions, and supplies photos.
Furthermore, it's written by the guy from the eBay ad, @westmassguy.
He rebuilt the crossovers for my Monitor 7C speakers, with the TL upgrade.
Re prioritizing upgrades, see how the speakers are working. Are the tweeters and woofers working properly? Is the crossover working properly? How do you like the sound of the speakers? What is loose in your speaker? If something isn't working, fix it first. If all is working, but you don't like the sound of the tweeters, replace them. Etc.
Re epoxying the magnets: I agree with a previous poster. However, first make sure that the woofers are working correctly; you don't want to glue the magnets in the wrong position. Here's how to check them. Carefully press on the passive radiator. As you press inward on it, both woofers should press outward. If either or both binds, then you have an issue. There is a guy who fixes them -- search the forum for more info. BTW, the woofers should stay out for two to five seconds before settling. If they settle faster, then there's a leak that needs to be fixed.
As for wire, you will get a great deal of argument and debate about the importance of expensive vs. inexpensive wire. I have an opinion, but I'll finesse it by saying that you can get the speakers up and running with 16 gauge lamp cord from the hardware store or 16 gauge or thicker speaker cord from Radio Shack. You will do no damage to the speakers or the amplifier. You can choose (or not) to upgrade to fancier wire as your wallet permits and your inclination, um, inclines.
As mentioned remove the passive radiator to look for the rattle. It is likely some glue used to seal the cabinets that dripped broke off.
Loctite Powergrab is recommended to secure the magnets. It can also be used to reseal the cabinets where the glue may have been a little thin.
I think you have the SL2000 tweeter. Pictures really help to be sure. I'd recommend replacing the tweeters first, then do the crossovers. As mentioned some don't mind the sound of SL2000, and I actually have a later model pair that IMO sound better than earlier models.
Dave, @westmassguy is your guy if you are not comfortable rebuilding the crossovers yourself.
I agree the 16Ga or maybe 14Ga cable will do to start with. Anything larger (lower numbers 12Ga, 10Ga) may be hard to get into the speaker connectors. I did not see what the maximum recommended size would be while skimming the amp manual.