Very Nice Yamaha CX 800U preamp w phono/remote controlable

Posts: 3,075

FS Very nice Yamaha CX800U preamp from the late 80s (sold for $700 new). This a dual voltage unit so it can be used on 120 or 230. This is a very nice preamp and and everything works as it should but I am going a different direction so it must go. Features inputs for CD. phone MM/MC , tuner aux , tape1, tape 2 with dubbing. Also has bass and treble with variable turnovers, subsonic, mono/stereo, -20db muting and a nice feature Phase Invert and the Yamaha trademark variable loudness. Has video inputs but only for switching. This is a 2 channel preamp. The phono section is excellent . I do not have the remote but one can find them online and a universal will run it. I have priced it well below the going rate (even though it works great and the faceplate is very nice ) for a couple of reasons 1) The cover was scratched up so it was painted it flat black. 2 The balance control has a little friction when turning . 3 There is a very slight ding on the bottom rear corner. 4 the holes in the plastic flange that the cover attaches to are broken out so washers are used No issue. Asking $135 or BO Thanks
PM for pictures
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Dibs if no one else is before me.
All yours Russ
I am sorry this sold elsewhere
if the deal fails, I will take it.
had it listed on Ebay also for more money.
Keep in mind on the auction site one has to list things higher as that site takes 10% for the item 3.5% for PP and 10% for shipping I had it $149 and they will take $22