Poll: Which front speakers?

AllenLongcor Posts: 34
edited January 2002 in Technical/Setup
I have the following right now:

Onkyo DS595
Energy eXL 15 surrounds
Polk CS400i center (man do I love it)
Acoustic Visions subwoofer with 12" Shiva driver

So for my mains which one should I go with:

Polk RT600i
Polk RT800i
Polk RT1000i
Polk RT55i
Post edited by AllenLongcor on


  • juice21
    juice21 Posts: 1,866
    edited January 2002
    i was torn between the rt800i's and the 1000's, but after demoing carefully, i really fell in love with the sound from the 800i's. i would suggest these, especailly since you have a nice sub. i chose the 800's over the 55's because i prefer a floorstanding speaker for my fronts, the 800's reach a little deeper and have a fuller sound as well IMHO.

    CC has had the 800i's for $599
    someone posted the 55i's @ J&R's for $299
  • presidan
    presidan Posts: 116
    edited January 2002
    I say you get the 800's. If you didnt have a powerfull sub i would have picked the 1000's since they each have a pre powered sub. Plus, the 800's have 2 mids (not the 1000's or 600's) so they will still give you a little bass.

    Now, having the CS400i as a center definitely crosses out the RT55i i think. Having a center that is more powerfull than your mains just isnt right. The bigger 800's will give you better sound and will complete the c400i better.

    That is just my opinion, if money isnt a problem, get the 1000's!
    DENON AVR-3802
    PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43"
  • TroyD
    TroyD Posts: 13,093
    edited January 2002
    I would say the 55i if you don't want a floor standing speaker, the 800i if you do.

    I disagree that the 400i isn't a good match with the 55i. They have exactly the same drivers, as does the 800i. (2) 6.5" drivers and the 1" trilam tweeter. The 400i is the matching center for all the listed choices.

    I would disregard the 1000i's, you already have a sub and the others I think go low enough combined with your sub.

    I plan for the future. - F1Nut
  • DLK123
    DLK123 Posts: 7
    edited January 2002
    I would also recommend the 800i. They are at CC for the $299 ea price. According to a CC rep. this is due to the fact that the RT series is going to be upgraded. I verified this with a Polk representative in CS, though she also said there won't be a major difference with the new RT series. She claims the 800is should voice match quite well with the new RT series. This is if you plan on adding later so you won't have to worry about buying obsolete or unmatcable speakers.
    SPEAKER7 Posts: 355
    edited January 2002
    I would also go for the rt800i for my fronts......because you already have a sub!

  • Firerider58
    Firerider58 Posts: 95
    edited January 2002
    Another vote for the 800's. Great sounding pair of speakers for the money, and with a good sub, they're all that you will need. I love mine!!!

  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited January 2002
    I got a pair of Cherry RT800i's for Christmas.. they sound so good. they complete me. (From Austin Powers) I couldn't believe how well they matched up with the rest of my speakers.. which are CS400i, PSW350 sub, FX/300i rears. wow.. when I first hooked them up and and turned the receiver on. those suckers just came alive.. huge leap up from my 10 yr old KLH towers.

    Before deciding on the RT800i's i got. I brought home the RT1000i's and tried them out for a week. They too sounded great.. but the price was nearly double the price of the 800i's.
    Plus I already had a subwoofer.. several times I had to turn off the subs in the 1000i's, because it was overkill with the sub that I already have. Now these 800i's work perfectly with the correct amount of bass, treble, and midrange. But the sound from both was incredible.

    So save some money and go with the RT800i's.. it will mate well with the rest of your system.

    happy listening!
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • TrappedUnder Ice
    TrappedUnder Ice Posts: 975
    edited January 2002
    If you can get the 55i's...I'd get em and save the cash..especialy since you have a good sub...
    I have both 800's and the 55i's...unless you definatly want a floor stander...I'd go 55i's IMO...
  • Strong Bad
    Strong Bad Posts: 4,278
    edited January 2002
    Since you have the sub, go with the 55i's. If you definitely want a floorstanding model, go with the 800i's. Since the sub will pick up the lowend, I don't feel you'll gain anything with going 800i's over the 55i's. Plus you'll save $$$.

    Thats my opinion. :D

    No excuses!
  • rnoseworthy
    rnoseworthy Posts: 41
    edited January 2002
    You can put the 55's on speaker stands and they sound great with the 400 center, 350 sub, f/x 300's. It seems to be between the 55's and the 800's and it cost and looks, now.
  • juice21
    juice21 Posts: 1,866
    edited January 2002
    just remeber to add the cost of good stands to the 55's when comparing between the 55's and 800's (price wise)...
  • lax01
    lax01 Posts: 496
    edited January 2002
    Buy the 1000i's. Price Match them down to $600 using AMEX Blue Card and buy them at an authorized dealer. $600 is cheaper than all those other speakers and also the 1000's blow them away for $600.
  • skinny
    skinny Posts: 25
    edited January 2002
    i love bass , so i would go with the 1000's then have your sub set real low, you can also get a good deal on them to.
  • lax01
    lax01 Posts: 496
    edited January 2002
    Here is how I pricematched them with AMEX Blue:

    Note: You can only have max $1000 price match money back and only 4 purchases.

    1. Search shopping.yahoo.com for POLK RT1000i
    2. Find the lowest price
    3. Try www.dealtime.com
    4. Get lowest price.
    5. OPTIONAL: Try www.mysimon.com
    6. Get lowest price
    7. Go to favorite Polk Authorized dealer, buy speakers with American Express Blue Card
    7a. Receive a comment from owner about how weird the card is.
    8. Print out web page with date stamped at the bottom.
    9. Make a claim with AMEX. Their phone number is on their page\
    10. Send in proof of lower price and wait to receive check.

    I got my RT1000i's from an authorized dealer for $600 dollars this way. You could also see if the authorized dealer would match the internet price, but this is highly unlikely. GOOD LUCK!:D
  • shrek001
    shrek001 Posts: 51
    edited January 2002

    55i vs 800

    55i since you already have a sub.. If you want floor standing then 800i, but for the price the 55i's are the better value, get some nice stands and your set..

    55i vs 1000i


    the 55 i is a perfect match for the cs400........