WTB: Panasonic plasma 65"
Posts: 1,807
Looking for a VT50 or better...VT50,VT60, ZT60. Not ready for the 4K yet but looking for another plasma.
Mid-Atlantic area, don't mind driving a few hours.
Mid-Atlantic area, don't mind driving a few hours.
Here is one that I am tempted to buy as well:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/112300528812?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT -
I thought I updated this thread. ..my bad.
I did find a VT60 last fall, was a 6hr round trip and well worth it. If you get that TV, I would highly recommend having it calibrated.
I have the pic on my other plasma pretty much dialed, but the VT60 is another animal. I had it where I thought it looked real good, but post-calibration was quite a difference. ..stunning to say the least.
If you are on the fence for a plasma, I wouldn't think twice about that one listed, unless there's a ZT60 lurking nearby.
If you have a dark room or can control the lighting, then the VT60 will work.