...I stand corrected...

AsSiMiLaTeD Posts: 11,728
edited March 2004 in Electronics
OK, this is my last post on the Sony I awear. I've been going through reading some of my previous posts bashing Sony and am 'officially' taking it all back...

I'll admit that I let 'brand name association' affect my opinion of the ES line. Once I listed via a 'blind test' (having someone else change receivers whilst not knowing which was playing), I developed a newfound respect for the Sony ES. All my opinions are in another thread, so I won't rehas here.

Important lesson learned - don't judge audio gear on name association. Who knows, maybe some day we'll all be talking about our 'audiophile quality' AIWA systems...Okay maybe not...but I think we get the point here...

That is all.
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