Lounge Audio Copla

Just wanted to throw this product out there. Not adept at critical reviews, but this has added much pleasure to my modest vinyl listening. Don't know if it's compatible with all MC cartridges, but works well with my Denon 103r.


McCormack DNA-1 Amp, Parasound Halo P5 Pre Amp, Denon DVD 2900 CD player, Adcom GDA 700 DAC, VPI Traveler TT with Denon 103R cartridge, Lounge Audio MKiii phono pre and Copla SUT, Polk SDA SRS 3.1 TL speakers, Tributaries series 8 IC's and speaker cable.


  • Dawgfish
    Dawgfish Posts: 2,554
    Thanks! I've been curious about the Copla. I like the idea of having the continuously variable impedance dial on the front of the unit. I have a couple of questions. What phono pre are you using this with? Have you had a chance to compare this to phono stages with lomc capability and/or step up transformers? The reason I'm asking is I have a phono pre with a good MC section and a few different step up transformers, so I don't want to make a lateral or backwards move. The idea of the variable impedance dial intrigues me though. How would you describe the sound quality? Thanks in advance!
  • StevieB
    StevieB Posts: 256
    Dawgfish wrote: »
    Thanks! I've been curious about the Copla. I like the idea of having the continuously variable impedance dial on the front of the unit. I have a couple of questions. What phono pre are you using this with? Have you had a chance to compare this to phono stages with lomc capability and/or step up transformers? The reason I'm asking is I have a phono pre with a good MC section and a few different step up transformers, so I don't want to make a lateral or backwards move. The idea of the variable impedance dial intrigues me though. How would you describe the sound quality? Thanks in advance!

    I can't speak to any difference in sound, this is my first experience with any sort of SUT. I was using a bugle 2 phono pre, but it was calibrated for MC so I had to go through the MM 47k section of parasound p5. In my modest set up, sound is much fuller and richer even at the neutral position, it really made a difference for me and gives me something else to play with. :p Evidently the owner designed the Copla around the 103r, but others state in reviews they have had good results with several different MC cartridges.
    McCormack DNA-1 Amp, Parasound Halo P5 Pre Amp, Denon DVD 2900 CD player, Adcom GDA 700 DAC, VPI Traveler TT with Denon 103R cartridge, Lounge Audio MKiii phono pre and Copla SUT, Polk SDA SRS 3.1 TL speakers, Tributaries series 8 IC's and speaker cable.