Finally...An Earth Shaker

hochpt21 Posts: 5,423
A HUGE shout-out to @EndersShadow for giving me the heads up on this!

I've had my HT setup for about 3 years now with no sub :( Most of them have been out of budget, but finally scored a good deal. It's an older generation SVS, a PC Ultra.

I'm going to work on setting it up tomorrow. I've got to get my read on to figure out what all the settings are.

I know to start with a sub crawl. From there it looks like I can set the crossover from the sub, or let the Marantz do it. I thought, though, that with a sub I should set my fronts to 'small', but when I activated the sub on the Marantz it will only let me set the fronts as 'large', so not sure what to do there.

Any advice is appreciated, and I'll be digging in tomorrow to hopefully get this guy slamming.

Thanks all!


2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A


  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
    edited July 2016
    Well I figured I would finally send you a link to a LOCAL sale since you REFUSED to drive down to Indy for the THT sub :angry: .....

    If you ever have to sell I'm calling right of first refusal on it lol.....
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • Erik Tracy
    Erik Tracy Posts: 4,673
    Congrats on that monster sub - once you get it dialed in it should be an earth shaker for sure!

    You may not like it, but you need to dive into the Marantz manual to figure out the sequence for the setting of speaker size to 'small', use the LFE input on the sub, and set the xover freq on the Marantz to 80Hz.

    I'd use this as a starting point, then run some tests and tweak until YOU like the sound.

    I'm pretty sure the Marantz will also allow you to have saved settings, so you could also run thru the setup sequence with bass=sub+fronts (fronts set to large) and save that along with your first run with bass=sub, fronts set to small.

    Then compare the two for what YOU like.

    H9: If you don't trust what you are hearing, then maybe you need to be less invested in a hobby which all the pleasure comes from listening to music.
  • Thorton
    Thorton Posts: 1,324
    The Marantz is setting the speakers to large not Audyssey.

    Set the speakers to small and start at 60-80 hz for the xover. Good luck.
    Ethernet Filter: GigaFOILv4 with Keces P3 LPS
    Source: Roon via ethernet to DAC interface
    DAC: Bricasti M1SE
    Pre/Pro: Marantz AV8805
    Tube Preamp Buffer: Tortuga TPB.V1
    Amp1: Nord One NC1200DM Signature, Amp2: W4S MC-5, AMP3: W4S MMC-7
    Front: Salk SoundScape 8's, Center: Salk SoundScape C7
    Surround: Polk FXIA6, Surround Back: Polk RTIA9, Atmos: Polk 70-RT
    Subs: 2 - Rythmik F25's
    IC & Speaker Cables: Acoustic Zen, Wireworld, Signal Cable
    Power Cables: Acoustic Zen, Wireworld, PS Audio
    Room Treatments: GIK Acoustics
  • Joey_V
    Joey_V Posts: 8,592
    I always dreamed of an SVS Ultra... Congrats on such a find.
    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • hochpt21
    hochpt21 Posts: 5,423
    I ran the Audyssey and it set the fronts to large and the xover at 80 along with the speaker distances.

    I manually turned the fronts to small, which 'grayed' out the subwoofer box on the Marantz and said off. However, the 80 was still there for the xover. I played a movie and even though the Marantz said subwoofer off it still worked.

    I watched Dark Knight at about 60% gain on the subwoofer and it sounded awesome. A few movies I've tried since aren't nearly as responsive, and I'm sure that has to do with the LF in each particular movie.

    But I'm finding myself turning the sub up to like 80% just to get close to where it actually makes a difference.

    I'll keep working...
    2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A
  • mikeyb128
    mikeyb128 Posts: 2,885
    Not familiar with the gain on that sub, but after talking to Ed about setting up my ultras he said it isn't abnormal to be in the 80% range and doesn't indicate a problem. The digital gain on my ultras are from -100 to 0 (zero being full power) and mine are in the -20 range, which would put them at about 80%. He recommended higher gain on the sub, to achieve its maximum power, and a lower gain in the AVR to help prevent "clipping" the signal and passing on distortion to the sub.

    Will see if I still have the email regarding this matter.
    2 channel:
    Bryston 4B3, Bryston BDA3, Cary SLP05, Shanling CDT1000SE with parts conneXion level 2 mods, Nottingham analogue ace space 294, soundsmith Carmen MKii, Zu DL103 MKii, Ortofon MC 20 MKii, Dynavector XX2 MKii, Rogue Audio Ares, Core power technologies balanced power conditioner, Akiko Corelli power conditioner with Akiko Audio HQ power cable, Nordost heimdall 2, Frey 2, interconnects, speaker and power cables, Focal Electra 1028 BE 2, Auralic Aries Femto, Black diamond racing cones, ingress audio level 1 roller blocks, JL Audio E110 with Auralic subdude, Primacoustics room treatments.
    Focal Aria 926,905,CC900, SVS PB ultra x2. Pioneer Elite SC85, Oppo BDP93, Panamax M5400PM, Minix neox6, Nordost Blue heaven LS power cables.

  • Joey_V
    Joey_V Posts: 8,592
    80% gain? You ran room FR to see if you're compensating for a dip or suckout?

    Sounds like a huge compensation
    Magico M2, JL113v2x2, EMM, ARC Ref 10 Line, ARC Ref 10 Phono, VPIx2, Lyra Etna, Airtight Opus1, Boulder, AQ Wel&Wild, SRA Scuttle Rack, BlueSound+LPS, Thorens 124DD+124SPU, Sennheiser, Metaxas R2R
  • Erik Tracy
    Erik Tracy Posts: 4,673
    I run an Epik Valor, 15" sealed sub, and I have the gain at like 10% on the plate amp and my AVR sets its gain to -1db when I run the auto cal.

    80% gain does sound like A LOT.

    H9: If you don't trust what you are hearing, then maybe you need to be less invested in a hobby which all the pleasure comes from listening to music.
  • hochpt21
    hochpt21 Posts: 5,423
    I did a sub crawl. Found the best spot. Ran Audyssey. Had to turn off Audyssey because my receiver would overheat(long story) but kept the settings.

    Played Dark Knight and it was perfect and awesome at about 50-60%. The other three movies I've tried have been far less impressive. Granted DK was the only disk I've tried, the other ones were off the Dish box.
    2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A
    PSOVLSK Posts: 5,280
    Congrats. SVS=Awesome.
    I've got a Plus-2 and its the main reason I can't give up HT and go straight 2 channel.
    Things work out best for those who make the best of the way things work out.-John Wooden
  • mikeyb128
    mikeyb128 Posts: 2,885
    edited July 2016
    Straight out of my owners manual.

    This menu option affects how loud the subwoofer plays. The control range is -100 dB to 0 dB (maximum). The factory default setting is 0 dB.

    AVR: For connection to an A/V receiver, it should normally be set between -15 and -5 (depending on the room size and strength of the AVR sub-out signal) prior to running auto-set-up.

    The desired AVR subwoofer channel level after running auto-set-up is in the -8 to -4 range (typically on a scale of -12 to +12).

    If the post-set-up AVR subwoofer channel level is bottomed out at the minimum setting (usually -12), that means the subwoofer volume was set too high. Reduce the subwoofer volume accordingly and re-run set-up. If the post-set-up AVR subwoofer channel level is in the positive region, that means the subwoofer volume was set too low. Increase the subwoofer volume accordingly and re-run set-up.

    I've had six svs subs, that includes 4 ultras. It is NOT a lot for a svs sub to be in the 80% range.
    Post edited by mikeyb128 on
    2 channel:
    Bryston 4B3, Bryston BDA3, Cary SLP05, Shanling CDT1000SE with parts conneXion level 2 mods, Nottingham analogue ace space 294, soundsmith Carmen MKii, Zu DL103 MKii, Ortofon MC 20 MKii, Dynavector XX2 MKii, Rogue Audio Ares, Core power technologies balanced power conditioner, Akiko Corelli power conditioner with Akiko Audio HQ power cable, Nordost heimdall 2, Frey 2, interconnects, speaker and power cables, Focal Electra 1028 BE 2, Auralic Aries Femto, Black diamond racing cones, ingress audio level 1 roller blocks, JL Audio E110 with Auralic subdude, Primacoustics room treatments.
    Focal Aria 926,905,CC900, SVS PB ultra x2. Pioneer Elite SC85, Oppo BDP93, Panamax M5400PM, Minix neox6, Nordost Blue heaven LS power cables.

  • hochpt21
    hochpt21 Posts: 5,423
    Thanks Mikey.

    Audyssey set my sub to -6. I went in and changed it to zero. And set the gain at 60%. Got decent bass tonight from How To Train Your Dragon 2.
    2 ChannelTurntable - VPI Classic 2/Ortofon 2M BlueAmplification - Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II, Parks Audio Budgie PhonoSpeakers - GoldenEar Triton 17.2 Home TheaterDenon AVR-X3300W; Rotel RMB-1066; Klipsch RP-280F's, Klipsch RP-450C, Polk FXi3's, Polk RC60i; Dual SVS PB 2000's; BenQ HT2050; Elite Screens 120"Man CaveTurntable - Pro-Ject 2.9 Wood/Grado GoldAmplification - Dared SL2000a, McCormack DNA 0.5 DeluxeCD: Cambridge AudioSpeakers - Wharfedale Linton 85th Anniversary; LSiM 703; SDA 2A