What did I buy?
Well after close to thirty years, I finally decided I wanted to experience the SDA sound again. Originally bought a new pair of 1c's that I absolutely loved, sadly they left with the ex-wife. Recently searched for another pair but ended finding a pair of srs2's, bigger is better right?
Now I feel like I've just crawled out of a cave, a lot has changed and there's more information here than my puny brain can comprehend. Wish I had found this site sooner. Anyway I have blade/blade and all 6509 drivers, a 86 stamp in x-over but drivers are stamped oct 87. Assumed these were 4 ohm 86's. Have I missed something in identification? Should I just toss the blade connector while I have things tore apart? If so are the speakons still the preferred method? BH5 or not, saw conflicting reviews. Dusted off my Haffler 220 and 110 pre and gave them to John at Musical Concepts to freshen up to pa5 level. I know some might say you're still in the cave but John says I won't be disappointed. He'd tweaked them back in 89 and I was happy so trusted again. If I go x-over update on speakers will this sound bad while both units are doing the burn? (speakers, amp, pre) Anyone hoarding a set of rings they willing to part with? Lots of questions I know but I'm an old newbie and need some help, thanks

Best Answer
Welcome to the club. Check out the Vintage Speaker section, a lot of good information there.