Capt. America: Civil War - If you like superhero movies.......

Jimbo18 Posts: 2,334
You will love this one. Offhand, I can't come up with a complaint for it. Great action, some jokes without being silly and well written characters and plotline.

For you (other) geeks out there, this is the beginning of Marvel Phase 3 and it's a great start.


  • Strong Bad
    Strong Bad Posts: 4,277
    Saw this last night. Outstanding movie and one of Marvel's very best.

    The directing team that did this one also did the last one, Winter Soldier. They are slated to do the next 2 Avengers movies, which is a VERY good thing. They juggled so many characters, not short changing any of them while having a story that flowed perfectly.

    A must see!
    No excuses!
  • honestaquarian
    honestaquarian Posts: 3,186
    Hey @Jimbo18
    What is Marvel Phase 3 just out of curiosity?
  • Jimbo18
    Jimbo18 Posts: 2,334
    Hey @Jimbo18
    What is Marvel Phase 3 just out of curiosity?

    They are calling it the MCU, or Marvel Cinematic Universe, and they are doing something kinda unique in cinema. All the various movies within the MCU are inter-related and take place in the same "world".

    I would have to google to get the exact beginning and endings of each, but Phase One started with Iron Man 1 and ended with The Avengers. In between, they introduced all the various heroes, that appear in the Avengers, in other movies, like the first Capt. America movie and Thor.

    Phase two started after that and ended with Avengers 2:The Age of Ultron. Phase 3 starts with Civil War, then in the Fall they introduce Doctor Strange in his own movie, then next year The Black Panther and Thor:Ragnarok. Phase 3 ends with a two part movie, The Avengers: Infinity War, I think in 2018 for the first one and 2019 for part 2.

    The rights to the X-men aren't owned by Marvel anymore and have their own "universe" and aren't included in the MCU.

    That's a rough outline, there's tons more about it online, but that was probably already TMI for most people.