Polk Hampden Auxillary input no longer working

Posts: 1
I purchased a pair of the Polk Hampden speakers 2 months ago and they have been working fine. Now, all of a sudden, they no longer work on the Aux-in channel (Yellow). Bluetooth and USB in is fine. Its not the computer as I tried different speakers on that same Aux-out jack and they worked fine. Also tried another computer aux-out to the Polks and had the same problem. Again, the other 2 channels are functioning fine, just not the Aux (yellow) channel. If powered down for a while, the aux channel will work for about 20 seconds and then die. Any idea what the problem is? Thanks for your help.
Welcome to Polk's forum. I would recommend giving Polk's CS department a call at 1-800-377-7655 for best results. There should be someone available today for customer support.
Best regards, Ken