10" momo's

Jerry Santoro
Jerry Santoro Posts: 1
edited July 2001 in Technical/Setup
Hi everyone,
I purchased a pair of 10" momo's from Ebay in March of 2001
and they were new in factory sealed boxes with all of the proper paperwork. I installed the subs myself as I have been doing my own car audio systems for years now. They were running bridged by a Lanzar amp and were receiving 300 watts each. They are rated from 400-800 watts peak. They still hit like no other subs that I or anyone else I know have had. About 5 weeks ago I was turning up the volume when I heard one sub cut out. I thought it was a fuse or the channel but it wasn't. I removed the sub and replaced it with an old one. Then about 2-3 weeks later the same thing happened to the other one. It is not the amp because it is now running my two older subs and they are working fine. I can not figure out what is wrong because the subs are not blown they are just not putting out power, no sound at all. I hope someone can give me advice or tell me where to go to get these previously bass pounding subs fixed because my system is just not the same. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
Jerry Santoro