SDA 1's with a dead tweeter

HI,I've recently bought a pair of SDA1b's and the the top right tweeter has given up the ghost.Being of little technical audio knowledge I was wondering if it would be safe for the speaker and amp to be used in this condition till a replacement can be found.I'd like to do the tweeter upgrade but unfortunately financial constraints continue to prohibit that route at this time. [thanks for your time]

Best Answer


  • notified
    notified Posts: 175
    edited December 2015
    Thanks that comes as a relief to know!, and btw have a most joyous Christmas,and a totally excellent New Year!!
  • You as well, Merry Christmas!
  • pumpkinman
    pumpkinman Posts: 9,898
    What model tweeter is it ?? I think I have a SL1000 laying around here.

    Because I am The Pumpkinking

    A Kind Word Is An Easy Gift To Give
  • Schurkey
    Schurkey Posts: 2,104
    1. The top tweeter in the 1B is the main unit. The lower tweeter is a secondary, having a restricted frequency range.

    2. If the top tweeter died, put the working lower tweeter in the upper position, connected to the upper tweeter wiring. Install the dead tweeter into the lower opening, leave the lower wires disconnected (as long as they can't touch each other or anything else conductive.) Connecting the wires to the tweeter won't make it functional, but it does keep the wires from getting into trouble.

    3. The 1B uses the SL2000 tweeter, so the RD0194 is a direct replacement.
  • notified
    notified Posts: 175
    Hi ,forgive me as I'm new to this forum and dont know how to post a reply directly under a responding post.So to Pumpkinman thanks for offering to see if you'd happen to have a spare tweeter.Mine says its a Polk USA made SL2000//In a red stamping it says SDA with FEB041987 along with a date tested/by/and 3 passed tests in black ink.Needless to say if you happen to have one in good working order I'd much appreciate the opportunity to buy it.When you get the chance to see if it matches up let me know and we;ll go from there.thanks again and have a most excellent holiday season!!
  • notified
    notified Posts: 175
    Hi just wanted to say thanks to Schurkey for his time in passing along the tip.It makes the music more enjoyable while waiting to resolve my problem.Again many thanks,and have a great holiday season