RT3000 amps

Where can I find replacement amps for my rt3000 speakers...and how much do they cost?

An alternative question is can I send them back to Polk Audio for repair, and if so what is the estimated cost for each speaker?

Thanks, Dave


  • Hello Dave,
    Welcome to the Polk forum. While Polk probably won't be able to replace the amplifiers, in all likelihood they can help repair them. Contact them either via telephone at 1-800-377-7655 or send them an email to polkcs@polkaudio.com
    Regards, Ken
  • Gatecrasher
    Gatecrasher Posts: 1,550
    edited December 2015
    There is also a guy in the Chicago area that repairs them for around $150 each. He advertises on eBay.

    Well-worth the price. RT3000p's are awesome speakers.