Ugh! Work rant inside!

Jstas Posts: 14,872
edited February 2024 in Clubhouse Archives
I can't STAND my co-worker's listening habits!

He has these junk **** Harmon Kardon PC speakers. They are total junk and bring shame to the H/K name. They are hooked up to his laptop and he sits here all day playing lame disco or 70's top 40's hits. It gives me a headache.

I can deal with the music just fine if it was played on something with some sort of sonic clarity to it. Even my Polk Audio computer speakers would be a better option.

So I offered to play his CD's in the stereo on my desk. He declined because he said that he wants control. So I threw in a Sting CD to listen to. He complained that I was playing the music too loud. So I switched to the computer speakers and it was still too loud. Now I am sitting here listening to ABBA in the background because I can't play any music because then he can't hear his music over mine.

Not to whine or anything but where is the "fair use" here? The policy at work is we can have such things if they are not disturbing to others. So basically, the way it goes is, he can disturb everyone else with his weenie music but no one can disturb him at all. I think I'd better stop now because he says the typing is too loud. I might be thinking too loud for him now too!
Expert Moron Extraordinaire

You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on


  • ken brydson
    ken brydson Posts: 8,809
    edited March 2004
    God I love working from home :D
  • PolkThug
    PolkThug Posts: 7,532
    edited March 2004
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    edited March 2004
    I don't like headphones and I'm not always sitting at my desk at work. Headphones would limit my movement around my desk/work area and the lab plus, using headphones at an ESD station is not allowed here because they are an ungrounded source and can damage some of the computer equipment we work with due to static electricity.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • Ron-P
    Ron-P Posts: 8,520
    edited March 2004
    You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
    See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the Dancing Queen.

    Peace Out~:D
    Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
    Ron loves a film = don't even rent.
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited March 2004
    Bust out the SPL meter or whatever, measure how loud his music is in your space, then play yours to be equally intrusive. Make sure to pick out something he doesn't like. When he ****, show him the numbers and tell him to screw off. Done and done.
  • Pauly
    Pauly Posts: 4,519
    edited March 2004
    thats why i love having an office...shut the door! :)
    Life without music would
  • madmax
    madmax Posts: 12,434
    edited March 2004
    Put an office rig together for him. Maybe an early xmas present? If I get you right the quality, not the music is annoying you?
    Vinyl, the final frontier...

    Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... :D
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    edited March 2004
    The music is far from acceptable but after my years in retail, I learned to listen to what's being played without issue. So yes, the sound quality is much more disparaging than the music itself. Although today's selection of ABBA, Michael Bolton and Cher is particularly trying.

    Shizelbs - that is a good idea. Only problem is, since all kinds of sound meters have some sort of microphone and analytical capabities, that means they also have memory of some sort in them too. Since I work in a secure environment, Security may take issue with a meter like that and view it as a recording device. I realize that it is a lame thing and sounds like an excuse but they are the same people who disallowed my Onkyo pre-amp because it had an IR receptor for a remote control that I don't even own. I will see what I can do about it though.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • Loud & Clear
    Loud & Clear Posts: 1,538
    edited March 2004
    Originally posted by Jstas
    Although today's selection of ABBA, Michael Bolton and Cher is particularly trying.
    Well, he's obviously ****. So, buy him some chocolates and make some nice comments about his wardrobe. He'll let you play your music louder after this. Let me know how it works out, peace.

    Two Channel Setup:

    Speakers: Wharfedale Opus 2-3
    Integrated Amp: Krell S-300i
    DAC: Arcam irDac
    Source: iMac
    Remote Control: iPad Mini

    3.2 Home Theater Setup:

    Fronts: Klipsch RP-160M
    Center: Klipsch RP-160M
    Subwoofer: SVS PB12NSD (X 2)
    AVR: Yamaha Aventage RX-A2030
    Blu Ray: Sony BDP-S790
    TV Source: DirecTV Genie
  • Shizelbs
    Shizelbs Posts: 7,433
    edited March 2004
    Okay, new idea. Play your music at a level clearly softer than him, but still plenty audible to you. When he ****, say, hey man, my stuff is quieter than yours. Then in that moment where he pauses and thinks of a response, remind him that he can go shove it as well. Problem solved.
  • danger boy
    danger boy Posts: 15,722
    edited March 2004
    I'd say get the biggest **** SVS and pump out nothing but the deepest bass sounds right next to his area. 24/7 boomba, boomba, boomba!! :p

    either that.. or just play your music and try to drown out his music all together. What kind of music do you like? now, what kind of music does HE hate? play some country, opera, classical, Tom Jones, Slim Whitman, Marilyn Manson? fight fire with fire.

    FYI: most PC speakers are pretty lame. That's why i use Monitor 7's instead now. ;)
    PolkFest 2012, who's going>?
    Vancouver, Canada Sept 30th, 2012 - Madonna concert :cheesygrin:
  • disneyjoe7
    disneyjoe7 Posts: 11,435
    edited March 2004
    Even lamer then this............

    I have to listen to what ever the group decides as a whole, on get this the PA system on the PHONES. UGH...............

    On what a 2" woofer ?????? Where the %$^&ing Tweeter.........

    Carver Amazing Fronts
    CS400i Center
    RT800i's Rears
    Sub Paradigm Servo 15

    Conrad Johnson PV-5 pre-amp
    Parasound Halo A23
    Pioneer 84TXSi AVR
    Pioneer 79Avi DVD
    Sony CX400 CD changer
    Panasonic 42-PX60U Plasma
    WMC Win7 32bit HD DVR