I almost do not want to post this question, Parasound HCA 1206 and SDA 2b

I almost do not want to post this question as I think I already know the answer. I have a re capped HCA 1206 and as far as I can tell it is a common ground amp however in order to get the full potential of this amp I would need flip the switches on the back into mono mode on two channels. The other two channels have no mono capability ( not that I would need them anyway ) The HCA 1206 is a six channel amp all in one not two separate mono amps just two toggle switches on the back and then the two positive connectors on the back of the amp become the positive and negative out to the speakers. I am using the interconnect between the two SDA 2b speakers and I would rather buy another more powerful amp than not use the interconnect. At this time I am running a Kenwood M2 Amp with them that has been totally re worked by Dan M. at DRM. Thank you, vsat88

Best Answers

  • VSAT88
    VSAT88 Posts: 1,269
    Answer ✓
    This is from the owner's manual of the Parasound:

    "When you bridge channels 3+4 and/or 5+6, your speakers are connected to the bridged channels differently. You bridge by using the red + terminals of the adjacent channel pairs only. Note that bridged connections are made horizontally rather than vertically and the upper red + terminals have separate markings for bridging. In the bridged mode, channel 4 (and/or 6) output is positive and channel 3 (and/or 5) output is negative."

    Unfortunately this is indicating that the common ground design of the SDA speakers would short out the amplifier. It would be as if you ran a wire from channel 3 and channel 5 terminals connecting them together. Not a good idea. Keep the amplifier in the non-bridged mode and you will be fine.
    Regards, Ken

    Thanks Kenneth. I read that in my owners manual and by using my meter and limited knowledge that I have I did suspect that would be the answer. I do appreciate you clarifying that for me.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 7,658
    Answer ✓
    You're welcome!


  • Hello,
    This is from the owner's manual of the Parasound:

    "When you bridge channels 3+4 and/or 5+6, your speakers are connected to the bridged channels differently. You bridge by using the red + terminals of the adjacent channel pairs only. Note that bridged connections are made horizontally rather than vertically and the upper red + terminals have separate markings for bridging. In the bridged mode, channel 4 (and/or 6) output is positive and channel 3 (and/or 5) output is negative."

    Unfortunately this is indicating that the common ground design of the SDA speakers would short out the amplifier. It would be as if you ran a wire from channel 3 and channel 5 terminals connecting them together. Not a good idea. Keep the amplifier in the non-bridged mode and you will be fine.
    Regards, Ken