DVD Player opinions?

Posts: 14
Okay, first of all this is my first post here. I've been lurking for a little bit and I've picked up a lot of useful info already. But now I need to post my own question...
I'm looking for some advice on a new DVD player for my admittedly modest home theater system. I've already spent some time searching through the forums but haven't found the right answer yet. Here's my current setup: 32" Sony Wega (FS100), Harman Kardon AVR130, Polk 6700 speakers, the 202 sub, and my current DVD player is a Toshiba SD2800 (the weakest link).
I've got about $200 to spend on a new player and the main thing I'm looking for is better picture and sound quality than my Toshiba. DVDA and SACD would be nice, but are not necessary. What do you guys think? I know that most of the regulars here have more capable equipment than what I'm working with, but I would appreciate any input you've got regardless.
I'm looking for some advice on a new DVD player for my admittedly modest home theater system. I've already spent some time searching through the forums but haven't found the right answer yet. Here's my current setup: 32" Sony Wega (FS100), Harman Kardon AVR130, Polk 6700 speakers, the 202 sub, and my current DVD player is a Toshiba SD2800 (the weakest link).
I've got about $200 to spend on a new player and the main thing I'm looking for is better picture and sound quality than my Toshiba. DVDA and SACD would be nice, but are not necessary. What do you guys think? I know that most of the regulars here have more capable equipment than what I'm working with, but I would appreciate any input you've got regardless.
Post edited by R2D2 on
Welcome to the forum R2D2,
I dont think you can do better than the Pioneer 563a for an all round player in that price bracket. IMO everything the player does sounds great and looks good. I think it is on par with the level of the rest of your equipment and you can find it for $150. It will play hi-rez DVDa and SACD through the 2ch analog outs but your receiver does not have 6ch analog inputs IIRC (I have the avr110). If you want multichannel it will do it through the digital connections but at CD quality, unless I am wrong and you do have multi pre-ins.Graham -
The Pioneer 563A, is an excellent choice. It really has alot of features for the money, the DVD-A and SACD formats are very worth getting involved with.CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
Of the DVD players I have tested on my system, here's how they rank PQ wise:
1. Denon 2200
2. Panasonic S35
3. Pioneer 563A
4. PS2
Regards PolkThug -
Thanks for the advice! I had considered the Pioneer, but I just wasn't sure if there was a player out there that might give me better pq/sq instead of the dvd-a and sacd capability at the same price.
PolkThug: The Panasonic for $80 has a better picture than the Pioneer? Not to be a pain, but could you elaborate on the difference in quality?
Thanks again for everyone's help.
R2 -
No pain at all. I bought a 563A in the hopes of replacing the Panny. But then after doing lots of comparisons, I realized the PQ was better on the Panny. I am VERY picky about picture quality, probably because I have a Hitachi 57S700, so differences in dvd players are really magnified on this big screen.
My benchmarking scene is from matrix reloaded. The scenes where the zion party starts and neo and trinity start getting busy. This scene contains lots of fleshtones with bad lighting from fire and darkness, perfect for bringing out the best and worst of players. Look at the back of Neo's neck while they are talking (right after they run into each other in zion, and before the sex part). Notice the grades of fleshtones on his neck. You may see some "blockiness". If you notice nothing, go back over the scene, frame by frame, then watch it again at regular speed. Anyway, this is just one example. The cheap panny had less "solarization" effects than the pioneer.
So, the 563A went back to the store and I used the S35 until a local store, Audioport, let me audition a Denon 2200 for a few days....