Need help with ideas to sell our puppies?

Any and all suggestions or ideas are welcome. We have six AKC Standard Poodles for sale. We started at the stud fee price of $1200 and are now down to $750.00. We are in the paper and Puppyfind and Facebook , and 1our6unb6oxy.jpg
a few other websites. I sell a lot of other things on CL with great success. Every time I post an ad on CL. It is Flagged and removed. Maybe it is not allowed? But there are 1357 other puppy ads on there at any given time? I can only assume someone is a hater or has similar breed for sale and is getting rid of the competition? Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Peace. Darryl
MIT Magnum MH-750, Monster HTS 5100MKII, Sony 77" Class - A80CJ Series - 4K UHD OLED,PS4, Def Tech 15” sub,LSIM 706c, Sunfire Signature Grand 425 x 4,Parasound hca 120, LSiM 702 x 4, Oppo 103D, SDA SRS 1.2, Pioneer Elite SC63 , Pioneer Elite BDP-05 “Why did you get married if you wanted big speakers?”


  • oldmodman
    oldmodman Posts: 740
    Try posting your Craigslist ad from a different IP address.
    And word it differently. It probably is a competitor using the autoflag software that creates hundreds of spoof emails to get the instant ban you are encountering.
    I was having the same problem once and noticed that when a particular ad went up mine went down within an hour.
    So I auto flagged his ads as soon as he posted. He got the idea and stopped **** with mine.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 10,716
    dog shows. there must be a network of poodle lovers out there.
    These are great dogs if you don't mind paying a groomer every
    once in a while...
  • coolsax
    coolsax Posts: 1,826
    you're probably also getting flagged by PETA type activists.. a lot people think that CL should only be for rehoming pets so if you're obviously a breeder they will flag you as well.
    Main 2ch -
    BlueSound Node->Ethereal optical cable->Peachtree Audio Nova 150->GoldenEar Triton 2+
    TT - Pro-ject Classic SB with Sumiko Bluepoint.

    TV 3.1 system -
    Denon 3500 -> Dynaudio Excite 32/22
  • rooftop59
    rooftop59 Posts: 8,121
    Yep, when we looked for our boxer on cl every post said "rehoming fee." Seems like that language is important.
    Living Room 2.2: Usher BE-718 "tiny dancers"; Dual DIY Dayton audio RSS210HF-4 Subs with Dayton SPA-250 amps; Arcam SA30; Musical Fidelity A308; Sony UBP-x1000es
    Game Room 5.1.4:
    Denon AVR-X4200w; Sony UBP-x700; Definitive Technology Power Monitor 900 mains, CLR-3000 center, StudioMonitor 350 surrounds, ProMonitor 800 atmos x4; Sub - Monoprice Monolith 15in THX Ultra

    Bedroom 2.1
    Harmon Kardon HK3490; Bluesounds Node N130; Polk RT25i; ACI Titan Subwoofer
  • EndersShadow
    EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
    Also as a thought, try making the ads funny with bios about each puppy like you'd see on a dating site. Might get the ads reposted. Example

    This is Skippy. His favorite author is JR Tolkein, he simply cant digest his books fast enough. He enjoys breaking into the bathroom to unroll toliet paper and then eat it as well as being quite adept at opening locks.

    In his spare time (which is ALL DAY) he enjoys people watching, drawing caricatures of Donald Trump and reading the New York Times while he pee's on it.
    "....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
  • mrbiron
    mrbiron Posts: 5,711
    This is Skippy. His favorite author is JR Tolkein, he simply cant digest his books fast enough. He enjoys breaking into the bathroom to unroll toliet paper and then eat it as well as being quite adept at opening locks.

    In his spare time (which is ALL DAY) he enjoys people watching, drawing caricatures of Donald Trump and reading the New York Times while he pee's on it.
    He doesn't do any of that don't know Skippy very well do you?

    Where’s the KABOOM?!?! There’s supposed to be an Earth shattering KABOOM!!!
  • teekay0007
    teekay0007 Posts: 2,289
    Darryl, have you tried posting them in the "General" For Sale section of CL? Other people have some puppies (including a standard poodle) listed there that have been listed for a while, so they aren't getting flagged.

    If you're listing them "For Sale" in the "Pets" section of CL, they'll get flagged every time. That section is more for "re-homing" of pets where they typically only allow a reasonable rehoming fee. Anything listed there that's asking for much more than $100 is usually gone pretty quickly.
  • teekay0007
    teekay0007 Posts: 2,289
    Here's the standard poodle listing I was talking about:

    They're asking the same price as you and it's been listed for four days now without being flagged.