Is Nothing Really Nothing?

Rush Limbaugh
Posts: 125
This may sound super weird to some of you, but this is a different subject and I find it rather fascinating. I'm not pulling out the tin hat here either, but i'm curious if any of the following thoughts have ran through your minds....
Have any of you sat down and just thought about what would be if nobody on this planet existed, including all plants and animals? It sends chills down my spine when I think of stuff like that because in a sense it's really beyond our comprehension as nobody or nothing that we know of besides God, in the general sense, if you believe in such a being, knows of such a state that ever existed.
I mean....just think about absolute darkness. It's nearly impossible to comprehend.
Of course we all have our theories and what not, but do you ever think about how big the universe really is? Infinate some say, and none of us have any way of refuting that...but isn't it a bone chilling and humbling thought? I did this thread on a different message board and one guy said this:
I find that to be a total possibility.
I often ask myself....
Where are the farest reaches of the universe? Are there people or things that are out there besides us? Do they act like us? What kinds of things have they gone through?
Thoughts like that drive me insane, but it's really cool at the same time. It really makes you and your life seem so small and insignificant and I guess in the grand scheme of things we really are. Even by our own worldly state....not to mention throwing our entire universe into the mix.
I often wonder when watching movies about space, ect...if we're not somehow interconnected on a subconcious level with things that exist somewhere in our universe. The thought of alien lifeforms...ect. It just seems that the mind forsees things long before they happen
I don't mean to get all religious because i'm not overtly religious at this point, but I do believe a God exists. I believe in the bible, but as far as placing me in a's not possible right now. I have too many questions about the religious institutions right now, but in all honesty....without a belief in something greater than yourself, no matter what it may be for're effin' lost and your life is utterly meaningless. I can't allow myself to accept that to be I guess I just rely on faith...
Blah...sorry for rambling, but this is a subject I find extremely interesting. I hope I conveyed what I was trying to say properly. The fact of the matter is I give myself a headache when I think about this stuff. It's mind boggling.

Have any of you sat down and just thought about what would be if nobody on this planet existed, including all plants and animals? It sends chills down my spine when I think of stuff like that because in a sense it's really beyond our comprehension as nobody or nothing that we know of besides God, in the general sense, if you believe in such a being, knows of such a state that ever existed.
I mean....just think about absolute darkness. It's nearly impossible to comprehend.
Of course we all have our theories and what not, but do you ever think about how big the universe really is? Infinate some say, and none of us have any way of refuting that...but isn't it a bone chilling and humbling thought? I did this thread on a different message board and one guy said this:
One thing I think about a lot is how maybe our universe is actually smaller than we think, as in being the size of an atom to another life force...kind of like Men in Black. I mean when you think of how small an atom is, how is this not possible? The universe is so strange to us all. Most of us think of it as being black with stars in the background but so much of space is so cool looking. There are colors and phenomenons taking place out there that we can't even begin to explain and probably will never be able to. Take black holes for example, how are they able to suck in light like a vacuum and bend it out of existence? Light is not matter so that should technically not be possible. I myself believe in God too because there are so many things that happen under a 1 in 51646415684666546186454654 chance. Where so many things technically and scientifically never should have happened, they still did. It really gives you a headache after a while.
I find that to be a total possibility.
I often ask myself....
Where are the farest reaches of the universe? Are there people or things that are out there besides us? Do they act like us? What kinds of things have they gone through?
Thoughts like that drive me insane, but it's really cool at the same time. It really makes you and your life seem so small and insignificant and I guess in the grand scheme of things we really are. Even by our own worldly state....not to mention throwing our entire universe into the mix.
I often wonder when watching movies about space, ect...if we're not somehow interconnected on a subconcious level with things that exist somewhere in our universe. The thought of alien lifeforms...ect. It just seems that the mind forsees things long before they happen
I don't mean to get all religious because i'm not overtly religious at this point, but I do believe a God exists. I believe in the bible, but as far as placing me in a's not possible right now. I have too many questions about the religious institutions right now, but in all honesty....without a belief in something greater than yourself, no matter what it may be for're effin' lost and your life is utterly meaningless. I can't allow myself to accept that to be I guess I just rely on faith...
Blah...sorry for rambling, but this is a subject I find extremely interesting. I hope I conveyed what I was trying to say properly. The fact of the matter is I give myself a headache when I think about this stuff. It's mind boggling.

Post edited by RyanC_Masimo on
I have had all of those thoughts over the years. I have reached a point where I am satisfied not knowing the answer. If the answer was simple there wouldn't be hundreds of religions. Just as my dog does not know where Kansas is on a map, we can't comprehend where we are on a map of the entire universe, because we can't see the ends of it, if the ends exist in the first place. I am sure that the answer is utterly fantastic and humans are not capable of understanding it.
PolkThug -
Those are interesting questions. I am in the same boat as PolkThug, or his dog.Graham
Damn deep thoughts from Men in Black 2 who would a thought.:DWish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.