Advice needed

polkguy Posts: 4
edited February 2024 in Clubhouse Archives
Ok.... after almost 2 months of badgering this deadbeat Ebay seller....they finally shipped my Subwoofer P202 model. great deal...'just out of factory box'.

well, guess what....deader than hell. poorly packaged (not factory box), looked dropped and the Einsteins STUFFED the powercord in the vent hole.

anyway, I tested by removing a P250 and putting the P202 in it's place. I also had a friend who has polks and he mentioned to me what was probably damaged... I forgot his lingo. used and abused was one of his phrases.

Anyways, I don't want to put any $$$ in this yet, so I am filing an Ebay complaint. However, they want an APPRAISAL.

would a stereo repair place do this? would it cost anything. granted it's hosed, but I don't want to tear it apart just yet. or could I just have my friend give his appraisal.

any other advice?

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