Can i set default volume levels for my Omni SB1 soundbar

When I turn on the Omni SB1 soundbar connected via SPDIF to my TV, it always seems like the base level is too high and the center channel too low. Is there a way I can customize the default settings for these volumes? At the very least I would have expected them to stay at the same level.

Best Answer


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 7,658
    I'll check with Polk's wireless team for you.
    Regards, Ken
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 7,658
    Here's the response from Polk's wireless support guys:
    "Assuming the SB1 is not unplugged from the AC outlet, the sound bar should remember its last settings for volume, voice, and bass. This would be true for both optical and wireless inputs.
    You might ask the customer to contact the Polk wireless CS department (1-800-638-7276)."

    Cheers, Ken

  • dwfletch
    dwfletch Posts: 6
    I've had a few local power hits lately, maybe this is causing my issue. If the problem continues, and I can't associate it with loss of electricity, I will contact the wireless dept.