Monitor 75T Changing from 4way to 3 way crossover

Back when the 75T first came out, I picked up a pair from Newegg. But when I tested them in one of our listening rooms, I noticed they were seriously lacking in the midrange. Like high quality Sinatra recordings sounded very rough and muted. We have two listening rooms using the LSI-15's and are very happy with them. I was planning to use these 75T's in the rec room but not until I can figure out why the mid range is so bad. .. I'm guessing the low quality output in the mid range is due to the 4 way crossover design. Although the components used in the crossover board in the 75T are very high quality. There is something not right about the arrangement. So I want to covert them to a standard 3 way crossover. Anyone have suggestions on how to go about it? Perhaps someone at Polk can help? I'm a former electronics specialist so have access to parts needed to modify the crossover for 3way. I must have some very early 75T which are serial AM759200200 and 201 Lot 3093123. Maybe there was an issue with the crossover wiring in the very early 75T.. the pair I have here has been unused since picking them up several yrs ago. It was to expensive to ship them back to Newegg.. So I'd like to resolve it by converting to 3way crossover... or find a solution for why the 4way is so poor in the midrange is muted totally. Perhaps a wiring error in the early ones?
And thanks for you help.. Frank