The Technical Constraints That Made Abbey Road So Good

My son's girlfriend shared this link tonight; I thought I'd share it with y'all.



  • Stew
    Stew Posts: 645
    Great read! Thanks for sharing.
    SDA 2B-TL (Sonicap/Solen/Mills, Erse Super Q, Rings, Spikes, No-Rez)
    1000VA Dreadnought
    Dared SL-2000a (Siemens & Halske TM 12AT7WA's, Brimar 5Z4G)
    Jolida JD-100a (Sylvania BP TM Gold Brand 5751's), NAD C275BEE, Blue Jeans

    RTiA3, Onkyo TX-SR605
  • dromunds
    dromunds Posts: 10,032
    Yes, very interesting read. The Beatles and Co. were ingenious. I've said this before, but various modern artists are returning to vintage recording gear. Mark Knopfler, for example, has rebuilt vintage analog Amperex tape machines for recording. Bob Dylan and many others have been using vintage microphones forever. And of course, most bands use vintage amps and guitars.
  • drumminman
    drumminman Posts: 3,396
    Thanks for posting, great read!
    "Science is suppose to explain observations not dismiss them as impossible" - Norm on AA; 2.3TL's w/sonicaps/mills/jantzen inductors, Gimpod's boards, Lg Solen SDA inductors, RD-0198's, MW's dynamatted, Armaflex speaker gaskets, H-nuts, brass spikes, Cardas CCGR BP's, upgraded IC Cable, Black Hole Damping Sheet strips, interior of cabinets sealed with Loctite Power Grab, AI-1 interface with 1000VA A-L transformer
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,069
    edited October 2014
    dromunds wrote: »
    Yes, very interesting read. The Beatles and Co. were ingenious. I've said this before, but various modern artists are returning to vintage recording gear. Mark Knopfler, for example, has rebuilt vintage analog Amperex i]Ampex[/i tape machines for recording. Bob Dylan and many others have been using vintage microphones forever. And of course, most bands use vintage amps and guitars.

    As I recall, John "Cougar" Mellencamp did this, too.
    (mmm-- he sounds like a grouchy old man...)


    ... and then, there's... The 78 Project...

    ...or you can go completely nuts...
  • Moose68Bash
    Moose68Bash Posts: 3,843
    Great story and a nice bit of history!

    Thanks for posting the link.
    Family Room, Innuos Statement streamer (Roon Core) with Morrow Audio USB cable to McIntosh MC 2700 pre with DC2 Digital Audio Module; AQ Sky XLRs to CAT 600.2 dualmono amp, Morrow Elite Speaker Cables to NOLA Baby Grand Reference Gold 3 speakers. Power source for all components: Silver Circle Audio Pure Power One with dedicated 20 amp circuit to main panel.

    Exercise Room, Innuos Streamer via Cat 6 cable connection to PS Audio PerfectWave MkII DAC w/Bridge II, AQ King Cobra RCAs to Perreaux PMF3150 amp (fully restored and upgraded by Jeffrey Jackson, Precision Audio Labs), Supra Rondo 4x2.5 Speaker Cables to SDA 1Cs (Vr3 Mods Xovers and other mods.), Dreadnaught with Supra Rondo 4x2.5 interconnect cables by Vr3 Mods. Power for each component from dedicated 20 amp circuit to main panel, except Innuos Statement powered from Silver Circle Audio Pure Power One.

  • Thanks for posting about the Beatles. That article helped me figure out what I was feeling about the two mono Beatles records I recently bought: Revolver and Rubber Soul. You can hear how the records were produced, the behind the scene layering of tracks, the slight hesitant quality of George's sitar playing, as examples. The first time you play them it's a bit disconcerting to hear that much detail, it's tempting to prefer a more veiled version, more of what you're used to. How it has always sounded.
    But a second and third listen begins to build a different picture in your mind's movie theater. These were young guys playing real music, not always perfect, but so fresh and creative. It's trite to say, "It's like hearing them for the first time". But in this case it's true it is the first time.
    You can hear the quality of the Studer A80 that was used, kind of an "Ektachrome" quality to the sound. I'm sure it was used because of its delicate tape handling, but they should have used an outboard tube playback amp connected to the transport. If you're not used to hearing differences in tape playback you would never notice, a very minor quibble.
    See, never happy!
  • mhardy6647
    mhardy6647 Posts: 34,069
    When I think of Ektachrome, I think of kind of grey, green and brown cast -- at least, compared to Kodachrome.

    ... and, yes, I am that old :- )

    I am keen to get copies of those two discs, BTW -- at least the new, mono Revolver. I think Revolver was the most -- ahem -- revolutionary of the Fab Four's albums; the biggest incremental break with the past -- practically a Dirac Delta Function, if you catch my drift!