The Pumpkin People...
Posts: 34,192
of the Connecticut River Upper Valley.
This is kind of a big deal up here near the Arctic Circle ;- ) (we don't get out much up here, except for the two weeks or so of summertime), so we do stuff like this.
I took advantage of unseasonable warmth here today (and our daily trip to the post office) to snap a few photos of this year's crop. I thought y'all might enjoy seeing some.
DSC_0379 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
Attack of the CJ Spider -- aiyee!
DSC_0380 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
The poor hunter was in the process of losing his head -- it's windy out there today!
DSC_0381 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0390 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0391 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
some tough yoots at the local snooty prep school
DSC_0393 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
Town hall
DSC_0388 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
This is kind of a big deal up here near the Arctic Circle ;- ) (we don't get out much up here, except for the two weeks or so of summertime), so we do stuff like this.
I took advantage of unseasonable warmth here today (and our daily trip to the post office) to snap a few photos of this year's crop. I thought y'all might enjoy seeing some.

Attack of the CJ Spider -- aiyee!

The poor hunter was in the process of losing his head -- it's windy out there today!

some tough yoots at the local snooty prep school

Town hall

... but wait, there's more...
DSC_0407 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
I can't decide if this one's whimsical or gruesome...DSC_0408 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
On down t' the General StoreDSC_0395 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
... and, over on the bad side of town...DSC_0403 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
Just up the road a piece, the local smokehouse. Youse guyse lookin' for good smoked cheeses and meats? Try 'em; trust me on this (no affiliation, save as a steady customer): by mhardy6647, on Flickr
... and, right across the street (and related by marriage), Taylor Brothers Farm. They make cheese, too (sans smoke) and also maple syrup... and maple syrup is far superior to that motor-oil they'll foist on ya from Vermont ;- ) "since 1896" :- ) (again, no affiliation, 'cept as a customer)DSC_0386 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
That pumpkin's noggin bears more than a passing resemblance to one of the Brothers Taylor, too... -
Those pics are cool. Not sure when it happens but in Keene NH if I remember Pumpkin season is a big thing over there. Worth checking out..
There is a BIG pumpkin festival in Keene indeed (our daughter & her husband live there).
My nephew has a son who would LOVE to wander your area looking at the pumpkins. If I can remember, I'll get a picture of his trick/treat costume as he's going as a big pumpkin this year. -
Took these a few days ago (on a beautiful, sunny day)...
Nothing Plain about PlainfieldDSC_0240 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
Observe his form...DSC_2849 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
How many strokes does a shot into the herd cost?DSC_2846 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
... all in all, you're just another rock in The Wall...DSC_2836 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_2896 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
You can only LYAO at some of those pics. They are very cool. Thanks for the awesome threaded..
I use to deliver to this small grocery store in Alstead NH & I would leave there & cut through the woods to get to 91 to Rutland Vt. At that store (within 3 miles of windy roads) I would go around this sharp corner. Just beyond that there is a beautiful house on left that has the biggest flower garden / bushes I've ever seen. It overlooks the mountains. The owners were always waving at me in my 18 wheeler. It reminded me of the wizard of oz. Sure do miss running the back roads of NH. Beautiful state & very nice people. Use to go to Keene also. I almost relocated to Manchester to work for AG-of-NE you probably see there trucks. Was a grocery hauler for years. You sure are going to see a lot of cool things in NH at Halloween. They Mean Business There..
Cool pics, Mark! Thanks for sharing them.
Makes me feel all Trick-or-Treaty! -
^^^most impressive, young Jedi-pumpkin-farmer
Lol! the second pic with the "spider" is awesome!
You can't really see it in my photo, but the Jeep's got two blood-red fangs under its front bumper :- )
of course, y'all've seen our contribution...DSC_2799 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
I should mention -- there are no prizes, no rules, no organization to this... event. It just happens. Well... someone did start it, and I think everyone in town got a reminder in the form of a little slip of paper with recommended dates (starting 27 September, this year) to put 'em up. Of course, not everyone makes one -- but lots of folks do, and many make a whole tableau. I'm actually not a big Halloween fan, but this little tradition is one that is quirky enough for me to enjoy!
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that is some outstanding artMy New Year's resolution is 3840 × 2160
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Patio | Polk Atrium 8's | Yamaha R-N303BL |
Office BlueSound Node| KEF LS50 | Peactree Nova 125SE |
Bedroom | Focal 905's | Chromecast Audio |
Garage | Polk Monitor 5B's
Closet Yamaha M80 | 2 Polk MP3K subs| Yaqin MC100B with Shuguang Treasures KT 88's & CV181Z's | Tesla E83CC's | Marantz 2252B | Marantz 2385 |Polk SDA SRS 2.3 | LSiM 705's | -
Duh! now I understand your user pic!
We had guests from MA yesterday & took the pumpkin people tour :- p
(which they did enjoy, I am pleased to report)
Not nice weather, but a few more photos (from the back seat)...
The Man in Black...DSC_0457 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0497 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0488 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0472 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0460 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0461 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0492 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0505 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0489 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0504 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
Note the pumpkin-cleavage :- )DSC_0474 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
Sorry I don't have a better photo of her...DSC_0469 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
DSC_0473 by mhardy6647, on Flickr
FYI -- in case anyone wants to see even more of these... I found a Facebook photo page :- P
I was with the family at the Circleville pumpkin fest this morning. The largest was 1963 lbs.
Took my daughter on her first Ferris Wheel ride. Taken from the top.
Oh, Listen here mister. We got no way of understandin' this world. But we got as much sense of this bird flyin in the sky. Now there is a lot that bird don't know, but it don't change the fact that the world is happening to him all the same. What I am tryin to say is, is that the course of your life, well its changing, and you don't even see it- Forest Bondurant -
I need therapy now...
it is that time of year again.
We have one traffic signal (a flashing light) in our little hamlet.
This appeared adjacent to it a few days ago.
^^^ exactly so.
Where are you Bill?If you can't hear a difference, don't waste your money.
ken brydson wrote: »
I can see it now, our very clever polkies putting Russ' face on that pic
Now you've gone and done it!
oh...did I do something wrong?