Monitor 10A tweeter/highpass issue?

Hello everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster. This site has been an amazing resource, but I need a little help on my current project.

Over the past couple days, I ended up renovating the crossovers (save for the inductors), and everything seemed to go pretty smooth. I hooked them up, got some music going while talking to someone on Skype, and noticed one of my tweeters sounded overdriven. After some testing I've concluded my HP filter (or maybe even both filters) to not be working. Would anyone happen to have some original crossover pictures to compare, or some advice of what it may be? Thanks!


  • pitdogg2
    pitdogg2 Posts: 25,667
    well you are learning a valuable lesson. You should ALWAYS take before pictures before you ever touch a XO for this very reason. Do a search for Monitor 10a schematic. that may help you figure where your misstep may be.
  • Yup, just figured out the issue. Whoever does a redo on these, make sure the wires coming from the terminals are right! Since there is a tiny jumble down there, I missed it (even though I marked them) and ran them backwards. Sadly idk if my little Peerless made it out unscathed :( Thanks!