Sailing with Angels

I went sailing today (Sunday), just a perfect day for it. So, the Blue Angels were in town for the Star Spangled Banner celebrations. They use an airport, which is directly across the creek from the marina. As we motored out into the main river they took off and flew DIRECTLY over the boat, maybe 200 feet above the mast. Let me tell you, those planes are incredibility LOUD!!! A few minutes later we could see them off in the distance doing their air show, which lasted about 45 minutes, but oddly enough we didn't see them return to the airport and thought they may have gone directly back to their main base. Anyway, by this time we were well out in the bay having a great sail, then the wind died, so we turned around and motored back. Just as we were passing the end of the runway 2 of them took off right above us, which caught us completely by surprise. Again effing LOUD!!! Figuring they must have landed earlier from the other direction, refueled and were now returning to their main base we stopped and waited for the other 4. Sure enough a minute later 2 more took off right above us and a minute after that the last 2. It was a damn good day :)
Political Correctness'.........defined

"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

President of Club Polk


  • headrott
    headrott Posts: 5,496
    I have seen the Blue Angels fly about 7 times during air shows Jesse, and they are the best of the best (pilots). And yes, the F-18 super hornet's are F-ing LOUD! The jets can make your ear drums rattle until they feel like they will pop (much worse than any set of SDA's or even concerts I have been to). It gives you a real sense of pride for this country when you hear them scream across the sky like that doesn't it!?!? They are a damn fine plane (but I still give the best of the best (plane) to the F-15 (IMO)). I wish I could have experienced seeing them with you guys. Sounds like a lot of fun sailing and viewing the Blue Angels.
    Taken from a recent Audioholics reply regarding "Club Polk" and Polk speakers:
    "I'm yet to hear a Polk speaker that merits more than a sentence and 60 seconds discussion." :\
    My response is: If you need 60 seconds to respond in one sentence, you probably should't be evaluating Polk speakers.....

    "Green leaves reveal the heart spoken Khatru"- Jon Anderson

    "Have A Little Faith! And Everything You'll Face, Will Jump From Out Right On Into Place! Yeah! Take A Little Time! And Everything You'll Find, Will Move From Gloom Right On Into Shine!"- Arthur Lee
  • teekay0007
    teekay0007 Posts: 2,289
    Glad you enjoyed "the Blues", Jesse. They do indeed put on an awesome show and hearing about them sure brings back some incredible memories for me. I hope you were in a position where you had a good view of them through all of their formations and maneuvers.

    Several years ago, I saw them about a dozen times over a three year span. My brother-in-law was flying with them then and he would provide VIP ( B) ) tickets for us in whatever cities we could make it to the shows in during their season. He had seasons flying in the Opposing Solo (pilot #6) and the Lead Solo (pilot #5) positions.

    "VIP" meant different things in different host cities. In the best of them, we'd get to drive, with a police escort, with the pilots from the hotel that the Blues stayed at breezing through very heavy traffic. We'd get driven by one of their support personnel from the hangar to front-row center seating while the pilots held their pre-show briefings. Afterwards, we often got to get our picture taken with the pilots in front of the team leader's jet.

    You mentioned LOUD....part of the VIP treatment was that they pretty strongly suggested that we wear the ear plugs that they provided! :D

    Anyhoo....hope you enjoyed them even half as much as I always did. Never did I see them without getting goose bumps several times - the same goose bumps I get every time I hear the Star Spangled Banner!
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    Oh yeah, no doubt about the pride factor. We were joking about those sand maggots not hearing our fighter jets coming at them and by the time they do, it's too late.

    That's cool you've seen them that many times. I've seen them a few times before, once while I was on Alcatraz, and a few more times locally. One of those times I was on a local Air Force base for business and they were practicing for an air show that weekend. So, I'm standing in a parking lot watching and one flies tree top level over me, I felt my organs vibrate!
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    I forgot......I was on the phone with MillerLiteScott when they flew over us the first time. I said, "Did you hear that?" He's like, "Hell yeah!"
    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • headrott
    headrott Posts: 5,496
    edited September 2014
    Haha! I love the sound of F-15's, F-16's, F-18's, (and soon to be F-22!!!) fly over! It is "the sound of freedom" (as I have heard it said).

    I am going to the Hillsboro airshow this coming Saturday and the F-22 is going to fly for the first time ever in Oregon. With it's vector controlled manuvering, it'll be a show I will not soon forget; I cannot wait! Unfortuantely, the Blue Angel's won't be there this year. Due to Obama's "sequestering" last year, the Blue Angels were set to perform at last years air show, but were cancelled due to "lack of funds". Huh! What crap!
    I am glad you were able to see them though Jesse!
    Taken from a recent Audioholics reply regarding "Club Polk" and Polk speakers:
    "I'm yet to hear a Polk speaker that merits more than a sentence and 60 seconds discussion." :\
    My response is: If you need 60 seconds to respond in one sentence, you probably should't be evaluating Polk speakers.....

    "Green leaves reveal the heart spoken Khatru"- Jon Anderson

    "Have A Little Faith! And Everything You'll Face, Will Jump From Out Right On Into Place! Yeah! Take A Little Time! And Everything You'll Find, Will Move From Gloom Right On Into Shine!"- Arthur Lee
  • I used to live and play golf near Lakehurst Naval Air Station and there were a few occasions where they would do airshows there and fly over us while we were playing golf... WOW is right...low altitude precision maneuvers that just make your heart race ...all subsonic...and LOUD. One time a B1B flew right over our heads at like 300 feet and just shook the ground.

    Imagine sitting in a desert somewhere and never seeing or hearing them at all. We certainly need to give them a few more airshows!
    My New Year's resolution is 3840 × 2160

    Family Room| Marantz AV7704| Usher Dancer Mini - 2 DMD Mains |Usher Dancer Mini-x DMD's Surrounds | Usher BE-616 DMD Center | SVS Ultra Rear Surrounds | Parasound Halo A21 | Parsound Halo A52+ | MIT Shotgun S3's | Dual SVS SB 4000 Ultras | Oppo UDP 203 | Directv Genie HD DVR | Samsung 75" Q8 QLED | PSAudio Stellar GCD | Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ | Lumin U1 Mini | HP Elite Slice PC | ROON'd for life |

    ManCave: HT:Polk LSiM 706VR3 LSiM 703's LSiM 702's|| Marantz AV7002 AV PrePro Sunfire TGA-7401| Sony PS4 Pro| Sony PS4 Pro|SVS PB13 Ultra| Oppo UDP 203 | Music Hall MMF 5.3se TT w/ Soundsmith Carmen | Samsung 55" SUHD TV | Sony PS4

    Patio | Polk Atrium 8's | Yamaha R-N303BL |

    Office BlueSound Node| KEF LS50 | Peactree Nova 125SE |

    Bedroom | Focal 905's | Chromecast Audio |

    Garage | Polk Monitor 5B's

    Closet Yamaha M80 | 2 Polk MP3K subs| Yaqin MC100B with Shuguang Treasures KT 88's & CV181Z's | Tesla E83CC's | Marantz 2252B | Marantz 2385 |Polk SDA SRS 2.3 | LSiM 705's |
  • zane77
    zane77 Posts: 1,696
    I've seen them probably 12 + times at Point Magu NAS when I lived in the LA area. If you ever get a chance it is something not to be missed! Saw the SR-71 do a show there once before it was retired. Also a pair of F-4’s fire live Sidewinder missiles at a couple of parachute flares that they dropped out over the ocean. These shows sure make your chest swell. Like I said if you can, it is something not to be missed. The static displays that they have are very interesting too.
    Home Theater
    Onkyo PR-SC5508 Sharp LC-70LE847U
    Emotiva XPA-5 Emotiva XPA-2 Emotiva UPA-2
    Front RTi-A9 Wide RTi-A7 Center CSi-A6 Surround FXi-A6 Rear RTi-A3 Sub 2x PSW505
    Sony BDP-S790 Dishnetwork Hopper/Joey Logitech Harmony One Apple TV
    Two Channel
    Oppo 105D BAT VK-500 w/BatPack SDA SRS 2.3 Dreadnought Squeezebox Touch Apple TV
  • Msabot1
    Msabot1 Posts: 2,098
    They are an elite unit....saw them numerous times at Oceana N.A.S. in Va.Beach...let me give you a heads up the U.S. Navy...they are aviators....better than pilots.....
  • voltz
    voltz Posts: 5,384
    That is awesome Jesse! Especially a unexpected fly by :)

    At work just outside the garage door is McConnell airforce base runway so we get a lot of takes off. was a lot of B-52's & other taking off and landing during the war. During the morning when we were walking into work they be coming in to refuel.

    when they are doing a airshow ..they do a lot of practice runs over top of us :) I miss the ole F4 Phantom's. now I'm dating myself..
    2 ch- Polk CRS+ * Vincent SA-31MK Preamp * Vincent Sp-331 Amp * Marantz SA8005 SACD * Project Xperience Classic TT * Sumiko Blue Point #2 MC cartridge

    HT - Polk 703's * NAD T-758 * Adcom 5503 * Oppo 103 * Samsung 60" series 8 LCD
  • Nothing louder than an F4...
    My New Year's resolution is 3840 × 2160

    Family Room| Marantz AV7704| Usher Dancer Mini - 2 DMD Mains |Usher Dancer Mini-x DMD's Surrounds | Usher BE-616 DMD Center | SVS Ultra Rear Surrounds | Parasound Halo A21 | Parsound Halo A52+ | MIT Shotgun S3's | Dual SVS SB 4000 Ultras | Oppo UDP 203 | Directv Genie HD DVR | Samsung 75" Q8 QLED | PSAudio Stellar GCD | Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ | Lumin U1 Mini | HP Elite Slice PC | ROON'd for life |

    ManCave: HT:Polk LSiM 706VR3 LSiM 703's LSiM 702's|| Marantz AV7002 AV PrePro Sunfire TGA-7401| Sony PS4 Pro| Sony PS4 Pro|SVS PB13 Ultra| Oppo UDP 203 | Music Hall MMF 5.3se TT w/ Soundsmith Carmen | Samsung 55" SUHD TV | Sony PS4

    Patio | Polk Atrium 8's | Yamaha R-N303BL |

    Office BlueSound Node| KEF LS50 | Peactree Nova 125SE |

    Bedroom | Focal 905's | Chromecast Audio |

    Garage | Polk Monitor 5B's

    Closet Yamaha M80 | 2 Polk MP3K subs| Yaqin MC100B with Shuguang Treasures KT 88's & CV181Z's | Tesla E83CC's | Marantz 2252B | Marantz 2385 |Polk SDA SRS 2.3 | LSiM 705's |
  • brgman
    brgman Posts: 2,859
    Man,you rich guys have the life!
    Main Rig-Realistic AM/FM Record player 8 track boasting 4 WPC

    Backup Rig-2 CH-Rogue Audio Zeus w/Factory Special Dark Mods,Joule-Electra 300ME Platinum Preamp,OPPO-105 w/Modwright Tube Mod, Auralic Aries G2.1,Polk 2.3TL,3.1TL's,Dreadnought,RTA-15TL's,1C's All Fully Modded,2xRTA-12c's ,Benchmark DAC3 HGC,Synology NAS,VPI Scout w/Dynavector DV-20XH and Rogue Audio Ares Phono Preamp,Sony PCM-R500 DAT,HHB-850 Pro CDR,Tascam CC-222SLMKII Cassette/CDR,MIT S3.3 Shotgun Cables,Shunyata Hyra-8,Shunyata and Triode Labs Power Cords

    I’M OFFENDED!!!!
  • Stew
    Stew Posts: 645
    edited September 2014
    Sounds like an awesome day! We've seen the Thunderbirds several times and the Blue Angels once. Impressive to say the least.

    I had a similar experience fishing with my Dad when I was a teenager. We were in a bassboat in a lake in northern Florida. We got buzzed by a pair of F-16's. Really loud and rocked the boat! They were flying off in the distance before we even processed what happened. I'm sure the pilots were laughing their arses off!
    SDA 2B-TL (Sonicap/Solen/Mills, Erse Super Q, Rings, Spikes, No-Rez)
    1000VA Dreadnought
    Dared SL-2000a (Siemens & Halske TM 12AT7WA's, Brimar 5Z4G)
    Jolida JD-100a (Sylvania BP TM Gold Brand 5751's), NAD C275BEE, Blue Jeans

    RTiA3, Onkyo TX-SR605
  • its already been adressed here but i have been in these mtns. and the fighter jets from a nearby base have been upon me before i heard a thing, can only imagine a bad guy up to no good the split second before its all over saying WTF.

    Also, can you imagine having the capability to master a beast of a machine like tha for 45 minutes that close to disaster, a different breed.
    humpty dumpty was pushed
  • F1nut
    F1nut Posts: 51,001
    H e l l is censored too!?! H e l l, that is ridiculous.

    Political Correctness'.........defined

    "A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."

    President of Club Polk

  • F1nut wrote: »
    H e l l is censored too!?! H e l l, that is ridiculous.

    7 words you can't say on TV (or CP)---

    ****, ****, ****, ****, ****sucker, mother****** and ****. And **** shouldn't even be on the list, sounds like a snack. NEW NABISCO ****, bet you can't eat just one...

    George Carlin