Keces DA-151MK ll USB DAC)
Posts: 1,594
Keces DA-151 Mk2 allows your computer to output high quality analog audio that surpasses anything in its price range, and gives costlier competitors a very good run for the money.
Asking $155 shipped in conus.
The main objective in our Mk2 update includes:
•Enhanced power supply circuit, this improved power supply can make our DA-151 sound even cleaner with lower noise and better sound stage. The improvement is actually measurable via RMAA with EMU 1212M
•Higher Op-Amp voltage, DA-151 used +/-12V for its op-amp, DA-151 Mk2 upped it to +/-15V for even better performance and dynamic control/power. (If you want to try other op-amps, please make sure they can tolerate +/-15V first, op amps like AD8610 cannot be used or the op amp will likely be damanged.)
•Full DC coupled circuit, no coupling capacitor, no DC Servo. Allows the DAC to show its full potential with life like low frequency response and a very detailed and neutral tone across the entire frequency range.
•Larger circuit board with layout even further optimized than it was with DA-151.
•Modular power input board like DA-152/DA-131.1 is now used with DA-151 Mk2, allows easy voltage switching and allows IEC socket to be upgraded to high quality IeGO gold plated copper or pure silver sockets.
•More powerful transformer, same as the one used for DA-152.
Of course, the original goodies from the DA-151 is also kept and some of them enhanced too.
•Neutral sound signature, open sound stage, excellent instrument imaging, great detail and transparency, these good traits are all kept and enhanced further in DA-151 Mk2 with the new all DC circuit and the new power supply.
•Listenability is also retained, while some may think that lots of detail and neutral sound is sterile, but we don't make our DA-151 Mk2 like that. We make it so that it is involving, enjoyable, with details that are presented in a non-intrusive way. After all, what fun is music when you cannot allow yourself to enjoy it for hours at a time?
•Fully independent oscillator is now located even closer to DAC chip for more optimized circuit path.
•Isolated oscillator power to prevent power rail pollution.
•Same great sounding Burr-Brown PCM2702 DAC chip with National Semiconductor LME49710 op amps
•Same high quality audio grade or military grade component are used through out the entire DAC.
•Same attention to details, excellent workmanship through out the unit.
•Same dimension: 215 ×205 ×80mm (W*L*H)
The results?
•Sound staging and the location of the instruments now sounds better, slightly bigger sound stage with more precise location of instruments can now be easily heard.
•Slightly more transparent, increased detail and clarity, this is especially true for low frequency sound, it is now even more life like while the rest of the frequency band also enjoy a good increase in detail and transparency.
•The original DA-151 already sounds great, and now DA-151 Mk2 just continue the tradition while implementing improvements that provides the best bang for buck for our customers.
Installation? This could not be easier with USB DAC, just plug into an USB capable computer (Mac OSX/WINDOWS 2000/XP/Vista, or a recent version of Linux) and it will be instantly recognized and used. Virtually no effort is required!
The front, exactly the same as the original DA-151:
Back, simple and neat with the new power input module:
Inside view:
This inside view photos is dedicated to component peepers, engineers, tinkerers, curious minds, mythbusters, modders, hackers, viewers, and those who can't stop themselves from taking the door knob apart and put them back together.
(that's me too...
What's inside the box?
KECES DA-151 Mk2 * 1
High quality USB 2.0 Hi-Speed cable * 1 (DA-151 Mk2 is USB 1.1, but we include hi-speed cable due to better cable quality.)
Region specific power cable (will include plug adapter if the region needs it) * 1
Datasheet Links:
More Details about the DAC and OP-Amp we used than you ever need to know:
BurrBrown's PCM2702 high performance, low jitter USB DAC
National Semiconductor's LME47910 ultra low distortion, low noise OP-Amp (literally record breaking)
HEAD-FI REVIEW PLEASE CLICK HERE:REVIEW: Keces DA-151 DAC 800+ hours burn-in (This review is for the older DA-151)
Computer Audiophile User Review PLEASE CLICK HERE: REVIEW: Low cost, high impact DAC (This review is for the older DA-151)
HEAD-FI user review of DA-151 PLEASE CLICK HERE: REVIEW: Mini review of Keces-151 (This review is for the older DA-151)
Asking $155 shipped in conus.
The main objective in our Mk2 update includes:
•Enhanced power supply circuit, this improved power supply can make our DA-151 sound even cleaner with lower noise and better sound stage. The improvement is actually measurable via RMAA with EMU 1212M
•Higher Op-Amp voltage, DA-151 used +/-12V for its op-amp, DA-151 Mk2 upped it to +/-15V for even better performance and dynamic control/power. (If you want to try other op-amps, please make sure they can tolerate +/-15V first, op amps like AD8610 cannot be used or the op amp will likely be damanged.)
•Full DC coupled circuit, no coupling capacitor, no DC Servo. Allows the DAC to show its full potential with life like low frequency response and a very detailed and neutral tone across the entire frequency range.
•Larger circuit board with layout even further optimized than it was with DA-151.
•Modular power input board like DA-152/DA-131.1 is now used with DA-151 Mk2, allows easy voltage switching and allows IEC socket to be upgraded to high quality IeGO gold plated copper or pure silver sockets.
•More powerful transformer, same as the one used for DA-152.
Of course, the original goodies from the DA-151 is also kept and some of them enhanced too.
•Neutral sound signature, open sound stage, excellent instrument imaging, great detail and transparency, these good traits are all kept and enhanced further in DA-151 Mk2 with the new all DC circuit and the new power supply.
•Listenability is also retained, while some may think that lots of detail and neutral sound is sterile, but we don't make our DA-151 Mk2 like that. We make it so that it is involving, enjoyable, with details that are presented in a non-intrusive way. After all, what fun is music when you cannot allow yourself to enjoy it for hours at a time?
•Fully independent oscillator is now located even closer to DAC chip for more optimized circuit path.
•Isolated oscillator power to prevent power rail pollution.
•Same great sounding Burr-Brown PCM2702 DAC chip with National Semiconductor LME49710 op amps
•Same high quality audio grade or military grade component are used through out the entire DAC.
•Same attention to details, excellent workmanship through out the unit.
•Same dimension: 215 ×205 ×80mm (W*L*H)
The results?
•Sound staging and the location of the instruments now sounds better, slightly bigger sound stage with more precise location of instruments can now be easily heard.
•Slightly more transparent, increased detail and clarity, this is especially true for low frequency sound, it is now even more life like while the rest of the frequency band also enjoy a good increase in detail and transparency.
•The original DA-151 already sounds great, and now DA-151 Mk2 just continue the tradition while implementing improvements that provides the best bang for buck for our customers.
Installation? This could not be easier with USB DAC, just plug into an USB capable computer (Mac OSX/WINDOWS 2000/XP/Vista, or a recent version of Linux) and it will be instantly recognized and used. Virtually no effort is required!
The front, exactly the same as the original DA-151:
Back, simple and neat with the new power input module:
Inside view:
This inside view photos is dedicated to component peepers, engineers, tinkerers, curious minds, mythbusters, modders, hackers, viewers, and those who can't stop themselves from taking the door knob apart and put them back together.

What's inside the box?
KECES DA-151 Mk2 * 1
High quality USB 2.0 Hi-Speed cable * 1 (DA-151 Mk2 is USB 1.1, but we include hi-speed cable due to better cable quality.)
Region specific power cable (will include plug adapter if the region needs it) * 1
Datasheet Links:
More Details about the DAC and OP-Amp we used than you ever need to know:

BurrBrown's PCM2702 high performance, low jitter USB DAC
National Semiconductor's LME47910 ultra low distortion, low noise OP-Amp (literally record breaking)
HEAD-FI REVIEW PLEASE CLICK HERE:REVIEW: Keces DA-151 DAC 800+ hours burn-in (This review is for the older DA-151)
Computer Audiophile User Review PLEASE CLICK HERE: REVIEW: Low cost, high impact DAC (This review is for the older DA-151)
HEAD-FI user review of DA-151 PLEASE CLICK HERE: REVIEW: Mini review of Keces-151 (This review is for the older DA-151)
Main Rig:
Antipodes DX > Roon > PS Audio Directstream Jr.>deHavilland Ultraverve 3 >Belles Reference 150a >Harbeth C7 ES3
Second Rig:
Roon> PS Audio Directstream Jr Bridge II > EE Minimax pre (Tutay mods) >Belles 150A Ref >Monitor 5 (Westmassguy-modded)
Antipodes DX > Roon > PS Audio Directstream Jr.>deHavilland Ultraverve 3 >Belles Reference 150a >Harbeth C7 ES3
Second Rig:
Roon> PS Audio Directstream Jr Bridge II > EE Minimax pre (Tutay mods) >Belles 150A Ref >Monitor 5 (Westmassguy-modded)