another trip to high end!

Posts: 1,179
Last night I visited another local high end shop in town. (Golden Gramophone in Fairlawn, Ohio)
First I listened to some new Boston Acoustics floor standers (not sure which model). I listened to these with an Audio Refinement "Complete" integrated amp + "CD Complete" cd player. I then switched out the Audio Refinement gear for an Adcom Pre/Amp + Amp combo. (not sure of the model #'s of the Adcom gear)
I prefered the Adcom setup. Both were very clean & clear sounding, but I just liked the Adcom gear more. It had a more musical sound, in my opinion.
Next came a trip into the next price range room. I listened to a set of JM Lab floorstanders, unfortunatly they could only be connected to a Marantz reciever. None the less, they sounded awesome. A little clearer than the Boston's. Too bad I couldn't have heard them with the Adcom gear.
Finally, we went into their "Reference" room. TONS of seriously expensive stuff in there. I had the good fortune to listen to a pair of Von Schweikert VR1's, powered by a Classe amp the size of a small block Chevy, paired with a Classe Pre/Amp & CD player. The VR1's were set about 10-12 feet apart. I was sitting maybe 12-14 feet back from them. It was the coolest damn thing I've ever heard. The soundstage was so wide & deep, I couldn't believe it. I've never heard a system that actually sounded real or live. It didn't sound like a pair of speakers & an amp at all. I now know what this crazy hobby is supposed to sound like.
On another note, I sure do have to hand it to Polk Audio. After an evening of listening to some remarkable gear, I went home and fired up my Onkyo receiver with my Polk Audio R30's. (that's right, R30's) I was so impressed. I've heard my system 100's of times, but after hearing all the high end stuff a 1/2 hour before, I was not at all disappointed. The R30's with the Onk sounded great. Sure, some things were lacking, but it is still very good.
This weekend, I'm going back and we're going to fire up the Von Schweikert VR4SE's. This will be a rare treat I'm sure.
First I listened to some new Boston Acoustics floor standers (not sure which model). I listened to these with an Audio Refinement "Complete" integrated amp + "CD Complete" cd player. I then switched out the Audio Refinement gear for an Adcom Pre/Amp + Amp combo. (not sure of the model #'s of the Adcom gear)
I prefered the Adcom setup. Both were very clean & clear sounding, but I just liked the Adcom gear more. It had a more musical sound, in my opinion.
Next came a trip into the next price range room. I listened to a set of JM Lab floorstanders, unfortunatly they could only be connected to a Marantz reciever. None the less, they sounded awesome. A little clearer than the Boston's. Too bad I couldn't have heard them with the Adcom gear.
Finally, we went into their "Reference" room. TONS of seriously expensive stuff in there. I had the good fortune to listen to a pair of Von Schweikert VR1's, powered by a Classe amp the size of a small block Chevy, paired with a Classe Pre/Amp & CD player. The VR1's were set about 10-12 feet apart. I was sitting maybe 12-14 feet back from them. It was the coolest damn thing I've ever heard. The soundstage was so wide & deep, I couldn't believe it. I've never heard a system that actually sounded real or live. It didn't sound like a pair of speakers & an amp at all. I now know what this crazy hobby is supposed to sound like.
On another note, I sure do have to hand it to Polk Audio. After an evening of listening to some remarkable gear, I went home and fired up my Onkyo receiver with my Polk Audio R30's. (that's right, R30's) I was so impressed. I've heard my system 100's of times, but after hearing all the high end stuff a 1/2 hour before, I was not at all disappointed. The R30's with the Onk sounded great. Sure, some things were lacking, but it is still very good.
This weekend, I'm going back and we're going to fire up the Von Schweikert VR4SE's. This will be a rare treat I'm sure.
Bob Mayo, on the keyboards. Bob Mayo.
Post edited by gmorris on
Originally posted by gmorris
Last night I visited another local high end shop in town. (Golden Gramophone in Fairlawn, Ohio)
First I listened to some new Boston Acoustics floor standers (not sure which model).
I was in Nashville last weekend and stopped by Hi-Fi Buys (a Tweeter Co.) and they had a pair of Boston VR2s (Specs HERE) set up in one of their rooms. They also had the the same 2 channel receiver and a similar CDP to mine in the room so I gave them about a 20 min. demo. I was fairly impressed. A bit on the laid-back end of the spectrum, but overall quite nice. MSRP was $850 and they would "Let them go" for $650. I was out today and a local dealer had a pair of Cherry VR3 (Specs HERE) floor models he was selling for $1,000 (MSRP $1,250). They were being driven by a Yamaha AVR and a Yamaha DVD changer for the source. I spent about the same amount of time with exactly the same demo material. They had the same smooth midrange but the bass was terrible. Very boomy and distorted. Probably a combination of room and source...but I was not impressed. The only real difference seems to be twin 7" woofers on the VR3 vs 6 1/2s on the VR2...with a larger box.On another note, I sure do have to hand it to Polk Audio. After an evening of listening to some remarkable gear, I went home and fired up my Onkyo receiver with my Polk Audio R30's. (that's right, R30's) I was so impressed. I've heard my system 100's of times, but after hearing all the high end stuff a 1/2 hour before, I was not at all disappointed. The R30's with the Onk sounded great. Sure, some things were lacking, but it is still very good.
Like gmorris, this also makes me appreciate my Polk speakers. The VR2 came very close to the sound of my RT55is but I would have to hear them together on the same equipment to make a fair comparison.
I'm still looking for something in this general price range for a 2 channel rig to step up from my RT25is. I am looking for something NOT Polk...mainly because I just want a little variety. Given what I'm willing to spend I am going to have a hard time bettering the RT55is and Dayton Titanic sub in my HT setup. The 55s are going to have to stay there since I now have the CS400i as my center (Can't break up that front soundstage!), I still may have an oportunity to get a pair of NHT SB3s at a decent price, but I can't find anywhere to demo them. I'm going to be in Atlanta next month and I think there is a NHT dealer there that I may check out. I know I can pick up a pair of LSi 9 floor models for $500...and that may be where I end up. Still...searching and demoing is half the fun...right?
I may give B&W one more shot. They are coming out with a floorstander in their 300 series...DM309...with two of the mid-bass woofers found in the DM303. The dealer here is supposed to have a pair around the end of the month.
As a side note...based on gmorris' high end theme...on another forum (Audio Asylum) a few days ago someone posed a question as to the best speakers out there for between $30,000 and $50,000. There were quite a few responses and I just found it funny that there were that many people that felt qualified to respond. I have heard a pair of Dynaudio Evidence speakers...once....for a very short time...but other than that, $10-12K is the most expensive I've heard. So I am certainly not qualified to answer the $30-50 question...unless of course it's just based on specs....."Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson -
I like those silly th'ds about $50,000 speakers. I agree, most of the people that post in those have probably never heard them anyway.
The place I was at yesterday is selling the Von Schweikert VR1's for ONLY $750!! I thought that was quite a deal.
You have a Dayton Titanic, shack? I am also a big fan of Parts Express. I can spend many minutes on the crapper reading that catalog. Is it a MKI, MKII or MKIII? Did you build the enclosure or buy one from PE?Bob Mayo, on the keyboards. Bob Mayo. -
The 10" Mark II. I bought the kit with the prebuilt box."Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson -
GREAT looking sub. I had no idea on the 309's, THAT is something I'd be interested in hearing. Any word as to pricing?
I run the 303/lcr3 combo up front for HT, and don't plan on changing a thing. I'd love to have the same speaker, with a little more low end extension to run for 2ch only.
RussCheck your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service. -
Here is a picture...
Here is the Hi-Fi Choice review...
Based on £330 UK price and today's exchange guess is $650 -$700. Even the local dealer wasn't for sure and they aren't on B&W website yet."Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson -
I went to a hi-end shop yesterday. I was impressed by what I heard. But when I came home, I was even more impressed. I'm sorry, but my Polks were very comparable in respect to imaging and dynamic responses IMO.
We have a high-end store in South Jersey?
George Grand (of the Jersey Grands) -
I do not recall seeing one anywhere. There are a couple in the phone book but, the phone numbers are either disconnected or don't get answered.Expert Moron Extraordinaire
You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you! -
I don't do much high end looking but the few times I have I found myself impressed with a few aspects but not many. I know with my system I have become one with it. Many hours of critical listening, trying many pieces of equipment and placement of components. In most high end shops do they do all these things or do they just get a few high dollar pieces of equipment and plug it together? My feeling so far is that they just plug it together and hope for the best. Maybe that is why my system normally wins?
madmaxVinyl, the final frontier...
Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... -
Yes, in Cherry Hill. It's called HI FI Sales company. They have some nicey nice stuff in there if you wanna go check it out...
No Kidding.:cool: -
I like to go into the high end shops and listen. It is like going to the Ferrari dealer & getting a test drive a car. BUT, a Ferrari dealer would never let a schmuck like myself test drive a car. So, getting to listen to such expensive, high end gear is a true treat, in my opinion.
I don't care if what I'm listening to is absurdly priced. I don't care if it only sounds as good as a $1000 receiver + $1000 set of speakers. I don't care about the value of such gear because I'm not going to buy it anyway. It is just great fun to listen to something of such supposed quality, whether that quality is real or not. The great thing about it is I'll never be dumb enough to get suckered into paying $10,000 for an amp.
Does my Polk R30 with Onkyo TX-SR601 sound as good as the Von Schweikert VR1's with the Classe Pre & Amp setup? No, of course not. Am I still going to enjoy my system? Of course I am. I'll never get to drive a Ferrari either, but I'll continue to read about them in Car & Driver every month.Bob Mayo, on the keyboards. Bob Mayo. -
Originally posted by amulford
Yes, in Cherry Hill. It's called HI FI Sales company. They have some nicey nice stuff in there if you wanna go check it out...
No Kidding.:cool:
Hi Fi was one of the places that never answered thier phone. I doubt they would give me the time of day either. Maybe George would have some success but I'm "just a kid".Expert Moron Extraordinaire
You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you! -
Originally posted by Jstas
I doubt they would give me the time of day either. Maybe George would have some success but I'm "just a kid".
In my experience, the fellas that work in the high end shops around here are as pasionate about audio as I am. I myself am only 26 years old, and I look rather young for my age. I'm sure when I walk into the high end shops, some may think, "What does this kid want?" But after talking with the salesman for a few minutes, they can quickly tell that I know what I am talking about and that I enjoy the hobby as much as they do.
I've spent many hours in the local high end shops just bullshitting with the sales guy & listening to music. They know I can't afford the expensive stuff, but they let me listen & enjoy it just the same as some a-hole lawyer or doctor who comes in and just buys it because it costs the most.Bob Mayo, on the keyboards. Bob Mayo. -
It always ends in some sort of pissing contest for me. They have to show off how much they know and so on and so forth and I end up just walking out.
I get it everywhere. I still get carded for matches at local convenience stores (gotta be 15 to buy matches in NJ) and I haven't been 15 for almost 12 years. I go into car parts stores or home improvement stores and get the same treatment. It's always the mentality "You're just a kid! What the hell do you know!"
Then people wonder why I don't deal with it and build my own equipment.Expert Moron Extraordinaire
You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you! -
The website is as active as the guys phone. Oh well.
George Grand (of the Jersey Grands) -
You nhave to go over there. If you tried to call today, I don't think they're working. It's worth a trip.;)