X-Men: Days of Future Past

Strong Bad
Strong Bad Posts: 4,278
edited May 2014 in Music & Movies
Got to see this yesterday late afternoon and WOW, what a phenomenal movie! I'm not familiar with the comic version of "Days of Future Past", so I had no reference going in and nothing to gripe about in terms of straying from this or that. IMO, it's the best X-Men movie to date and most complete.

The scene everyone is talking about is with Quicksilver. Yes, it's just damn cool!

With regards to the little extra at the VERY END of the credits, to me it wasn't worth sitting there for. It's already been announced that they are moving forward with X-Men: Apocalypse, with a release date of 2016. No need to waste your time sitting there.

One last thing...I love how they essentially acknowledge that X-Men 3: The Last Stand is a steaming pile of dung. Yeah, you'll see what I mean near the end.

Head out to see it, it's a blast!
No excuses!