New to the 2ch world - Need some advice

Posts: 119
Well after a few years of sitting on the fence I have decide to "take the plunge". Now is the fun part.
I found a local vinyl dealer, wow, vinyl heaven! Stacked to the roof for over 2000sq/ft. Business is slow for him - small city Alberta, not too many record sales - so he is blowing out his inventory. Here is the kicker, I don't own a turntable.
I am looking for suggestions and model #'s to watch for, my criteria are as follows:
not more than $150.00 CAD, Stylus must be easily replaced (not extinct), and of course best bang for the buck.
I plan on runing a totaly seperate 2ch system. I will be using my newly aquired NAD 2200 or possibly the SAE MKXXXIB (OTW From Russman) with a pair of Dahlquist QX6 bookshelf speakers (that continue to amaze me). We will see if I can pick up that set of SDA 2's .......
As you can see I will also be needing a Pre-amp.
Budget in mind - and the fact that I live in Canada ..... Let er' rip.
I found a local vinyl dealer, wow, vinyl heaven! Stacked to the roof for over 2000sq/ft. Business is slow for him - small city Alberta, not too many record sales - so he is blowing out his inventory. Here is the kicker, I don't own a turntable.
I am looking for suggestions and model #'s to watch for, my criteria are as follows:
not more than $150.00 CAD, Stylus must be easily replaced (not extinct), and of course best bang for the buck.
I plan on runing a totaly seperate 2ch system. I will be using my newly aquired NAD 2200 or possibly the SAE MKXXXIB (OTW From Russman) with a pair of Dahlquist QX6 bookshelf speakers (that continue to amaze me). We will see if I can pick up that set of SDA 2's .......
As you can see I will also be needing a Pre-amp.
Budget in mind - and the fact that I live in Canada ..... Let er' rip.
Post edited by VE6OHV on
I believe LXI = Sears ...
"Plunge" you say ? -
Look for Dual, Technics, Quadraflex, or a used Music Hall to name a *few*. Go belt drive, period - and full manual too.
RussCheck your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service. -
Here's what Needle Doctor refers to as their budget turntables ...;jsessionid=1e27dc5960e044f18f03fef0a30c9d71
They may not be the best prices for some of these but it's a starting place. -
Thanks for the reply Russ. Any model's of Dual to look for?
BTW - did you get the money order for the SAE yet? -
Good link, I'll save that one in case I ever pull the trigger on a turntable.
Two Channel Setup:
Speakers: Wharfedale Opus 2-3
Integrated Amp: Krell S-300i
DAC: Arcam irDac
Source: iMac
Remote Control: iPad Mini
3.2 Home Theater Setup:
Fronts: Klipsch RP-160M
Center: Klipsch RP-160M
Subwoofer: SVS PB12NSD (X 2)
AVR: Yamaha Aventage RX-A2030
Blu Ray: Sony BDP-S790
TV Source: DirecTV Genie -
Not to stomp on anyones dreams here but VE6OHV, you should consider this a fairly high priced upgrade. I'm not against bargins or best buy for the buck or any such thing but I'll say this, be prepared to spend some cash if you wish to be happy with vinyl. Other opininions may vary so listen to them as well, I'm just telling you how it was for me. Good luck!!! I may have asked you this in the past but are you a ham? "VE6OHV"
madmaxVinyl, the final frontier...
Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... -
I paid about $300 for my Musichall MMF2.1. So far I've been very pleased, but I'm thinking about a cartridge upgrade....just cuz.:D
Ham radio op. Yes - VE6 OHV is my call sign - I got tired of having to use names like steve975432 so I use the call sign - seems to work - it's unique.
As for an expensive upgrade - yep - I figgured - but I am a patient guy, the right deal will come along. I just missed an Oracle Delphi - went for $300.00CAD (needed a cartridge) but you can't win them all.
Thanks for the advice - I'm going to keep looking. BTW if anyone is looking for "off the wall" vinyl let me know - I'll check for you - the guy localy has loads. -
He got any Tupac.:DWish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.
Way back when, when vinyl was king the cheapest turntable you could buy that sounded as good as ones that cost $1,000s was the AR turntable. The arm was the weak part of the turntable but was still very good. The test was to put a 45 rpm record completely off center on the turntable, put the arm on the record and turn it on. The arm could track the record while completely offset on the turntable spindle. With the turntable off and the arm on a record, tapping the base produced no feedback. The best way to mount it was hang it to the wall with three wires attached to a screw into the wall stud. No feedback!!!
AR turntables on ebay are $100. Hard to get one with good dust cover however. -
If you are intrested I have a few Pioneer tables that I am plaining on selling soon. Including a PL-55 Direct Drive with a Shure V15 SuperTrak. The Other two (I forget model numbers, but one DD and one Belt Drive) have Stantons.
I am always willing to work a deal - let me know ehen you are ready and what kind of $$ you need.
Thanks for the help guys. -
By the time you buy record cleaning brushes, cleaner, a set up record, lp sleeves, phono preamp, zerostat, stylus cleaner, pressure guage, some new lp's etc... you won't be so worried about the price of the player.
madmaxVinyl, the final frontier...
Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... -
Thanks for all the help guys.
Picked one up an E-bay last night.
I'll let you all know what I think when I get it home. -
Originally posted by VE6OHV
Ham radio op. Yes - VE6 OHV is my call sign - I got tired of having to use names like steve975432 so I use the call sign - seems to work - it's unique.
Not to hi-jack, but I also thought you might have a like for OverHeadValve V6 engines.
Sony 75" Bravia 4K | Polk Audio SDA-SRS's (w/RDO's & Vampire Posts) + SVS PC+ 25-31 | AudioQuest Granite (mids) + BWA Silver (highs) | Cary Audio CAD-200 | Signal Cable Silver Resolution XLR's | Rotel Michi P5 | Signal Cable Silver Resolution XLR's | Cambridge Audio azur 840C--Wadia 170i + iPod jammed w/ lossless audio--Oppo 970 | Pure|AV PF31d -
Originally posted by VE6OHV
Thanks for all the help guys.
Picked one up an E-bay last night.
I'll let you all know what I think when I get it home.
I always stress that it will end up costing you more than you think to get the results you are looking for, BUT, whether you go top line or budget I'm still willing to share anything I know. I am a phono snob when it comes to my own spending but I understand the need (and fun) of best buy for the buck. Well, maybe not a snob (a lot of people put a LOT more cash in phono stuff than I do), maybe just a loose trigger when it comes to spending. In any case I support phono aquisitions no matter what the cost. The fun part is getting all you can off of the black circle no matter whether you spend a lot or a little.
madmaxVinyl, the final frontier...
Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... -
For the ammount of time that I will be listening (really listening) to my 2ch rig - I just can't justify the cost of some of the "higher" end turn tables. I don't know much about TT's but this one received good reviews back in the mid 80's and looked like it was in pretty good shape. It is the same reasoning that I employed with my HT set-up. How much time will I be spending watching Movies? Cable? Satelite? Music? - Between the Wife, Baby, Dog, Cat, Job, and JEEP - there really isn't enough time left to justify the additional expense.
If anyone has an owners manual for a Dual CS 514 I would be interested in a copy.