what is the going rate on these?

xjghost Posts: 1,109
edited March 2014 in Vintage Speakers

Is $140 too much? I want something for rears to go with my Monitor 10's that are in my den and acting as mains on a Denon Surround amp. I was thinking about 7's but cannot find any for a reasonable price. I was going to offer $100.00. Thoughts?
HT/2Channel: Emotiva MMC-1, Adcom GFA-555II, Polk SDA 3.1's, Teac TN-300 TT, Polk Center and Sub.

Bedroom system: Carver CT-24, Parasound HCA-800II, Monitor 10's

Additional projects: RTA 12c's
Post edited by xjghost on


  • 11tsteve
    11tsteve Posts: 1,166
    edited March 2014
    my thoughts are $50-60 is fair. But that is my price.
    Polk Lsi9
    N.E.W. A-20 class A 20W
    NAD 1020 completely refurbished
    Keces DA-131 mk.II
    Analysis Plus Copper Oval, Douglass, Morrow SUB3, Huffman Digital
    Paradigm DSP-3100 v.2
  • heiney9
    heiney9 Posts: 25,236
    edited March 2014
    "Appreciation of audio is a completely subjective human experience. Measurements can provide a measure of insight, but are no substitute for human judgment. Why are we looking to reduce a subjective experience to objective criteria anyway? The subtleties of music and audio reproduction are for those who appreciate it. Differentiation by numbers is for those who do not".--Nelson Pass Pass Labs XA25 | EE Avant Pre | EE Mini Max Supreme DAC | MIT Shotgun S1 | Puritan Audio PSM136 Pwr Condtioner & Classic PC's | Legend L600 | BlueSound Node3 - Tubes add soul!
  • teekay0007
    teekay0007 Posts: 2,289
    edited March 2014
    If they're in excellent shape overall - kind of hard to tell from the pics - I'd say about $100 +/-. They do have the SL-2500 tweeters which I much prefer over the SL-2000s. These have been going for a lot more lately than most people would think. A while back, I checked all the past closed auctions on that auction site for 5jr's and 5jr+'s and the average to-my-door price on a pair was around $140 (maybe he did the same and that's how he came up with his price), with some going for over $200!!!!

    They work great as surrounds/rears with Monitor 10s. That's how I use mine and really like them - CS400i center and DSWPRO550wi sub. The Audyssey setup program on my AVR read them as full-range speakers. I manually set the crossover on them to 70 or 80 Hz.
  • boston1450
    boston1450 Posts: 7,699
    edited March 2014
    50-70 in good condition. Mint 1-120... 5jr's or 4's work well. 4's seem to work well here & perfect on stands or shelf. Good luck with search
  • xjghost
    xjghost Posts: 1,109
    edited March 2014
    Thanks guys. It's a work/dream in progress. I appreciate the suggestions on the center and sub too. I have a center and sub but I have a hard time hearing voices in movies. IDK much about all this HT stuff. I'm not happy with the Denon receiver but hey it was something and all I could afford at that time. I really need to read up on the HT stuff and try and understand it. I'll likely have to mount the rears on the wall up high so idk how well this room will work. Ideally I'd like a set of 7's for rears.
    HT/2Channel: Emotiva MMC-1, Adcom GFA-555II, Polk SDA 3.1's, Teac TN-300 TT, Polk Center and Sub.

    Bedroom system: Carver CT-24, Parasound HCA-800II, Monitor 10's

    Additional projects: RTA 12c's
  • mikemokr
    mikemokr Posts: 150
    edited March 2014
    FWIW a couple months ago I paid $75 for a pair of 5JRs with the SL2000, in pretty much excellent condition, CL local pickup. The ad you linked to does indicate cosmetic issues so I'd definitely resist the asking price but factoring in that those are SL2500s, yeah, $100 ballpark doesn't sound exorbitant as described.

    7s strike me as awfully nice speakers to be relegated to rear duty although with 10s as mains it's not a crazy thought.
    Main HT (family room): Polk Monitor 7 (1987-original owner) (L/R) / CSi40 (C) / RTi38 (SL/SR) / SVS 20-39PC (sub), Outlaw 975 pre/pro / Outlaw 7075 amp, Oppo BDP-93 Blu-ray, LG 42LM5800 teevee
    2ch (family room): CRS+ (1987), Outlaw 1050 AVR, Denon DCM-420 CD
    Kitchen satellite 2ch: Polk M3II, Topping TP-20 Tripath amp fed from 975 rec line out
    Home office: Model 5 (1978-Danish Peerless), Lepai 2020A+ Tripath amp fed by laptop dock
    Awaiting assignment: PSW202 (NIB) to be wired inline in home office rig; Monitor 5JR (1988), Model 4 (1983-US Peerless)
  • Mystery
    Mystery Posts: 2,546
    edited March 2014
    I'm selling monitor 10's that are three models up from 5jr (5-->7-->10) for $100 and no bites here.
    Depends upon location but 5jr around $60 is fair.

    Klipsch RB81, KG3.5, B&W DM602.5, Polk.
    Subwoofers: Klipsch RW10, Triad ProSub Bronze.
  • xjghost
    xjghost Posts: 1,109
    edited March 2014
    Mystery wrote: »
    I'm selling monitor 10's that are three models up from 5jr (5-->7-->10) for $100 and no bites here.
    Depends upon location but 5jr around $60 is fair.
    I'd buy them for that so my 15 year old son will quit threating to steal mine that I bought in the 80's with money I earned in a summer job! FWIW I just think that I just want some 7's. Of course the thought crossed my mind to use monitor 12's for my mains and move the 10's for the rears! :)
    HT/2Channel: Emotiva MMC-1, Adcom GFA-555II, Polk SDA 3.1's, Teac TN-300 TT, Polk Center and Sub.

    Bedroom system: Carver CT-24, Parasound HCA-800II, Monitor 10's

    Additional projects: RTA 12c's
  • PolkieMan
    PolkieMan Posts: 2,446
    edited March 2014
    only cause your so far away my friend...... chomp chomp!

    Mystery wrote: »
    I'm selling monitor 10's that are three models up from 5jr (5-->7-->10) for $100 and no bites here.
    Depends upon location but 5jr around $60 is fair.
    POLK SDA 2.3 TLS BOUGHT NEW IN 1990, Gimpod/Sonic Caps/Mills RDO-198
    POLK SDA 1C BOUGHT USED 2011,Gimpod/Sonic Caps/Mills RDO-194