computer moniter in the car?

dougie07 Posts: 53
I've seen a thread on this topic before, but I can't remember where, so I'm just gonna pop the question again. Is it possible to hook a flat-screen lcd computer moniter up to a in-car DVD player? I've heard of VGA to RCA adapters on e-bay, but haven't seen too much info on them. Do in-car DVD players accept rca cables, or are there other input types for them? Thanks.

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  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited February 2004
    in can dvd LCD monitors accept a single RCA cable -- this is the video feed -- normally "yellow" (think home audio/video -- left audio = red, right audio =- white, video = yellow).

    you can hook a dvd player, a car dvd player, or any "RCA out" video source to a LCD computer monitor that accepts a "Composite" input. if it does not accept a composite input, then forget about it.

    these monitors usually cost a bit more, and you'll actually be looking at stuff that is more laong the lines of a flat panel TV -- which is a much better quality display and larger at that.

    i say just get a LARGE car lcd screen dude... cost less.... do the same job -- **** man, go cheap, buy a legacy brand or something.. i mean its not home theatre, u dont need a perfect display.. just one that looks halfway decent.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • 20hz
    20hz Posts: 636
    edited May 2010
    You mention "if it has no composite input forget about it" but what about those adapters that allow gives you a rca from a computer monitor ?
    I see them on ebay for $3 , can those work ?
  • 20hz
    20hz Posts: 636
    edited May 2010
    I got the just of it .
    Thanks for saving me a few $$ !