Direct radiating as side surrounds or..

mgd99 Posts: 84
edited February 2004 in Speakers
I have a pair of RTi28's as side surrounds and am thinking about picking up a pair of fxi300's. The RTi28's seem a bit weak for the Monitor 10A's I have up front with the csi20 and PSW I am thinking 4 surrounds might beef up the sound.

Would I use the fx300's as side surrounds and move the RTi28's to the back surrounds.....or would I leave them as sides and put the 300's as back surrounds??

OR is getting back surrounds a waste of money?


mgd(I got the bug and it is making me broke)99
Post edited by mgd99 on


  • warlocks1
    warlocks1 Posts: 1,253
    edited February 2004
    It depends on your speaker layout. I had a Lexicon DC2 with RTA15tl's up front, RTA11's for the side and rears. My prime seating position was too close to the right side surround and it would drown out the rest of the speakers. I went with a pair of Citation 7.3 for my sides and raised them off the ground. The diffuse sound field worked way better for me. Bottom line, if your side speakers are close to your prime seating position, go with FX300's for your sides and the 28's to the back.
  • racer4551
    racer4551 Posts: 373
    edited February 2004
    I agree with warlocks1, had a similar situation and used fx500i for side surrounds(matches front rti70 mid size) and set to dipole and used rti6's for the rear center surrounds and they blend perfectly with the front soundstage.I previously had the fxi30's for the side surrounds(smaller mid compared to rti70's) and were drounded out by front soundstage.
    *HT PRE-PRO*:Rotel rsp-1068, *AMP*:Rotel RMB 1095 *DVD PLAYER*:Denon 2200,*CD PLAYERS*,Arcam Alpha Mcd 6 disk carasel,Hughes Hdtv receiver, Hughes hdvr2,*MAINS*:Polk LSI 15'S, *CENTER*:Polk LSIC, *SIDE SURROUNDS*:Polk LSIFX,*REAR SURROUND*:Polk LSI 7'S,*SUB*:SVS PB2+*.MONITOR*:Mitsubishi ws48413 hdtv,Monsterpower hts2500X2,,Sony playstation2,Harmony sst-659 remote
  • mgd99
    mgd99 Posts: 84
    edited February 2004
    My listening position is 3 feet from the right surround and 12 from the left surround (my wife is dead center to them). So I am in a bad spot, but that is how the living room is set up and there isn;t much else that can be done (I love my rocker, massage recliner) so I am comprimising.

    Polk says I really need rt35i's and fx500i's, but the prices are out of my range. I am hoping that one size smaller, but with an adjustment to the decibels going to them might compensate. I am already cheating on the center with a csi30 instead of the recommended cs400i and that is working fine.

    Maybe someday, when money falls from trees, I can trade up.

    mgd(brother can you spare a speaker)99