How do I figure cubes for a truck box

2man Posts: 4
edited December 2001 in Technical/Setup
I know the basics but, when it comes to figuring the internal cubes of a slanted behind the seat truck box how is it done? Usually you do: heightXwidthXdepth. But what if the top is 4" deep and the bottom is 8"? Please help.:confused:
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  • crystal-clear
    crystal-clear Posts: 19
    edited December 2001
    Hi, I had this same problem a while back.
    I will try to tell you how, please concider that I am not a teacher. But I will try.

    First, say the top is 4'' and the bottom is 8". The length will be 12''.side to side, and the height in the back is 10''

    It may help to draw this out. The measurements are only examples...

    Take the shorter depth, 4'' and the height 10'' and the length 12''
    multiply them together... then divide by 12 to get cubic feet. Put this number off to the side for a minute, to be used later.

    Next, you are left with the taper , or triangle to work out...

    Subtract the short top from the longer bottom, you get 4''

    take that 4'' and multiply it with the height 10''
    Then divide that number in half.
    Take that half you just got and multiply it with the length 12''

    Take the number you just got, should be 240'' and divide it by12'' "the number of inches in a foot" to get the cubic feet.
    You now have another key figure, take this and add it to the other number you sat aside earlier.

    And That is it. It sounds more complicated than it is.
    I will be glad to help you out if you still need help. You can e-mail me at

    Merry Christmas,