Adcom amp and RTA15tl's

warlocks1 Posts: 1,253
edited July 2001 in Technical/Setup
I currently use an Adcom 555 for the RTA15's. I have an extra 555. Would it be ok to bridge them for each channel? This would be 600 watts, would that be too much for the speakers and would I receive any benefit by using the 2 amps? I believe the speakers are rated up to 250 watts. Thanks, Jeff
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  • George Grand
    George Grand Posts: 12,258
    edited July 2001
    Bridge the second amp and use it. For 2 or 3 yrs I drove RTA11t's (200 or 250wpc max rating, depending on which Polk publication you read) with 375wpc Carver's. No problems. Just keep your ears open for obvious sonic signs of distress, and then back off a little.

    Plusses are:
    1/ More power.

    2/ In a lot of conventional stereo amp designs, one channel is free to "borrow" from the other, during intense sonic events. If you bridge and use two power amps, this phenomenon cannot occur.

    3/ It's really cool.

    I had one of those 555's, and used it with the RTA11t's once. The high end was far too grainy for my tastes. I always thought that bridged, they would make great subwoofer amps. Or, in stereo mode as the bottom half of something that can be bi-amped.

    George Grand (of the Jersey Grand's)