Does anyone use equalizers anymore?



  • joeparaski
    joeparaski Posts: 1,865
    edited January 2014
    WOW just described my situation to the tee. You are correct, I rarely just sit down and have a listening session. The main rig is mostly movies with occasional listening, and then again, only for a short time. I've got too many things going in my life (all good btw) and simply don't find "quality" time with my system. However, I do listen to what you experts have to say and at some point I will rewire my system and eliminate as much unnecessary stuff as possible and see how much of a difference it makes.

    Thank you again, as well as other comments on the use of eq's.

    Amplifiers: 1-SAE Mark IV, 4-SAE 2400, 1-SAE 2500, 2-SAE 2600, 1-Buttkicker BKA 1000N w/2-tactile transducers. Sources: Sony BDP CX7000es, Sony CX300/CX400/CX450/CX455, SAE 8000 tuner, Akai 4000D R2R, Technics 1100A TT, Epson 8500UB with Carada 100". Speakers:Polk SDA SRS, 3.1TL, FXi5, FXi3, 2-SVS 20-29, Yamaha, SVS center sub. Power:2-Monster HTS3500, Furman M-8D & RR16 Plus. 2-SAE 4000 X-overs, SAE 5000a noise reduction, MSB Link DAC III, MSB Powerbase, Behringer 2496, Monarchy DIP 24/96.
  • lanchile
    lanchile Posts: 560
    edited January 2014
    I do not use or have tone controls, equalizer or balance control in my diy integrated amplifier. The shorter the path...the better!
    I do not like to "pollute" or "change" the original audio signal. I know some people still use this things to "adjust" sound.
    I find it very funny when I see someone using an equalizer and the set up in both channels are different...they just make "mountains" shape with equalizer and see the light show!!! and do not have idea what is Hz, Khz or db on the equalizer.
    Make it simple...Make it better!
  • maximillian
    maximillian Posts: 2,142
    edited January 2014
    msg wrote: »
    so that link - those are plans for building the preamp? have you begun that project yet? I'm going to have to read up on that some. I had to read it twice to get the gist of what it's supposed to do.

    It's a simple buffer pre with manual volume control. I have built in but no enclosure. There's other ways to get to a "short" signal path, even going passive. However, I wanted a relatively constant output impedance regardless of the volume setting, so it needs a buffer.

    I'm thinking of either buying this guy's electronic switch/volume control:

    and hooking it up to the Pass B1. This board is pretty straightforward and he seems to have done a good job with it. I do want to put some type of display on it, but I am picky in this area and will probably roll my own. His board also lacks subwoofer out and HT bypass, so I will research modifying the setup for those features. Not sure if I will roll in a phono-pre or buy off the shelf and simply bring in the input to Akouo's board.

    A little more info on the board:

    I started doing this project a year ago using the PGA2320 chip but got side tracked. Now I am trying to pick it back up and just read about the Muses digital POT and decided to switch.

    I won't mention more on this thread since I don't want to thread jack. When I am ready to share the design for critiquing I will post on this site's DIY forum.
  • Polkie2009
    Polkie2009 Posts: 3,834
    edited January 2014
    I'm guilty of using an eq , an Antimode 8033S on my subs. I'm sure it does take away some of the impact, but it does even out the low end.
  • leftwinger57
    leftwinger57 Posts: 2,917
    edited January 2014
    I've seen a bunch of SAE equalizers all over C/L over the years I never went for one usually around $20 because 1.I don't need another device 2. Been told it adds noise and those slider switches do get dirty.3 I find my Onkyo P-301 does more than enough for me.
    2chl- Adcom GFA- 555-Onkyo P-3150v pre/amp- JVC-QL-A200 tt- Denon 1940 ci cdp- Adcom GFS-6 -Modded '87 SDA 2Bs - Dynamat Ext.- BH-5- X-Overs VR-3, RDO-194 tweeters, Larry's Rings, Speakon/Neutrik I/C- Cherry stain tops Advent Maestros,Ohm model E

    H/T- Toshiba au40" flat- Yamaha RX- V665 avr- YSD-11 Dock- I-Pod- Klipsch #400HD Speaker set-

    Bdrm- Nikko 6065 receiver- JBL -G-200s--Pioneer 305 headphones--Sony CE375-5 disc
  • steveinaz
    steveinaz Posts: 19,536
    edited January 2014
    As your equipment and listening space improve, you'll find less and less need/desire for EQ. IMO, they should only be used when all other options have been exhausted, and then ONLY USED CORRECTLY. Subwoofer EQ's are a totally different thing.

    But hey---it's YOUR system, YOUR money.
    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
  • Msabot1
    Msabot1 Posts: 2,098
    edited January 2014
    I've seen a bunch of SAE equalizers all over C/L over the years I never went for one usually around $20 because 1.I don't need another device 2. Been told it adds noise and those slider switches do get dirty.3 I find my Onkyo P-301 does more than enough for me.
    . That Onkyo pre is a dandy little piece of equipment....I use one in my mix...
  • msg
    msg Posts: 9,974
    edited January 2014
    treitz3 wrote: »
    Glad to have made you laugh. I've unfortunately had speakers before that all I wanted to do with the tweeters is skip them across a lake as hard as I could.
    treitz3 wrote: »
    Now see, in your case, an EQ wouldn't be such a bad thing. Off axis listening rules out any imaging or sound staging so that becomes a mute point. If it's only background noise


    Perhaps I missed it but what are you trying to change to make your current speakers more listenable to you? In other words, why do you feel the need for an EQ in your system.....what do you want to change? Also, what speakers are we talking about here and from what source(s)/gear are they being fed?

    man, Tom, this is freakin' fanTAStic information! and your other post, too! thanks for taking so much time to share! I'm pretty much brand new to any sort of quality system build outs, so I'm getting quite an education here. and I thought this forum was all about speakers at first...

    well, I never really stated what I was trying to change, so you didn't miss anything :) I was really just curious as to why EQ's have all but disappeared, as I came across a few in some recent searches for other Parasound gear on Ebay. however, as nbrowser stated earlier on, I was having a spot of trouble with some RTi10's I just bought a few weeks ago, or at least thought I was. lots of different factors at play I've been learning. they're settling in a bit, and I'm making some progress on getting my system built out properly now (Halo C2 and Parasound 2205 on the way to address AVR/pre/pro and power issues), so I'm looking forward to seeing how they work after that. really though, they're not so bad with a little tone adjustment - just a -2db in the treble with the second hand Pioneer VSX-521-k I picked up from a friend to use while I shop my first real system.

    so, source is typically a Squeezebox Touch over optical through the Pioneer VSX-521-k boasting a stout 80w/ch to the RTi10 speakers. I've just recently added the CSi5, as well. depends on the music. rock and/or anything that's typically known for screaming highs is pretty bad with this current setup. it's listenable now, but not for extended periods, I've found. anyway, applicable to this particular situation, if I were stuck with just this, I would probably try an EQ given the circumstances described above (off-axis listening, background, non-critical, etc.), just to try to tame things a bit, and maybe pull out a little more midrange detail, but I'm going to try to set it up a little more properly and see how things go. I'd rather not throw in a piece if it's going to add noise.

    to clarify, when people mention noise, or noise floor, are we talking about background air/hiss?
    joeparaski wrote: »
    WOW just described my situation to the tee...
    yeaht, me too Joe. I remember when I was a kid, just laying around listening to music, but it's been a long time since I've had the time for that. occasionally I'll sit around with tv on in the background with music playing over, and flipping through a magazine or doing some reading or something, but not like when I was a kid - reading liner notes and such for hours on end.
    I disabled signatures.
  • txcoastal1
    txcoastal1 Posts: 13,221
    edited January 2014
    Noise/noise floor

    Msg, you can absorb all this daily, but you really need to get out to a Hi-fi store w/listening room (I know they are few and far between) or someones house with a good rig. Then you will understand the dynamics of this hobby. Once you hear true sound stage, separation and imaging from a 2-chnl system all the lingo comes to a head....and wow you're hooked.

    2-channel: Modwright KWI-200 Integrated, Dynaudio C1-II Signatures
    Desktop rig: LSi7, Polk 110sub, Dayens Ampino amp, W4S DAC/pre, Sonos, JRiver
    Gear on standby: Melody 101 tube pre, Unison Research Simply Italy Integrated
    Gone to new homes: (Matt Polk's)Threshold Stasis SA12e monoblocks, Pass XA30.5 amp, Usher MD2 speakers, Dynaudio C4 platinum speakers, Modwright LS100 (voltz), Simaudio 780D DAC

    erat interfectorem cesar et **** dictatorem dicere a
  • PolkieMan
    PolkieMan Posts: 2,446
    edited January 2014
    I don't use any Eq's Loudness or Tone controls
    POLK SDA 2.3 TLS BOUGHT NEW IN 1990, Gimpod/Sonic Caps/Mills RDO-198
    POLK SDA 1C BOUGHT USED 2011,Gimpod/Sonic Caps/Mills RDO-194
  • msg
    msg Posts: 9,974
    edited January 2014
    txcoastal1 wrote: »
    Noise/noise floor

    Msg, you can absorb all this daily, but you really need to get out to a Hi-fi store w/listening room (I know they are few and far between) or someones house with a good rig. Then you will understand the dynamics of this hobby. Once you hear true sound stage, separation and imaging from a 2-chnl system all the lingo comes to a head....and wow you're hooked.

    haha, yeaaaaaaah. I'm not sure I really want that. do I? hahaha :)
    I hear ya though, and this is one of my great frustrations with researching gear - reviews and feedback and theory are all tremendously help, albeit academic, but it all boils down to the audio experience, and yeah, that's what I'm not getting. there are a couple of high end shops in the area. I'll go stop in, and maybe see if there are any local groups. good suggestion!
    PolkieMan wrote: »
    I don't use any Eq's Loudness or Tone controls
    man, another direct-er! :)
    I disabled signatures.
  • mfg
    mfg Posts: 17
    edited February 2014
    It is a special-application EQ, but I've used the McIntosh MQ-107 environmental EQ with its companion McIntosh ML1C speakers. See interesting article by the system's designer, Roger Russel of McIntosh Labs:

    I was running this with a nice vintage NAD amp and bridged preamp, and don't recall any negative coloration, noise, or distortion, but DO remember what it was like to have nearly flat response down to 20 Hz. Pretty great rig.
  • Namikis
    Namikis Posts: 13
    edited February 2014
    This thread has been an interesting read.

    I am using a Carver C-19 as my pre, so I could use the tone controls in some situations to deal with a problematic source. In truth I keep the tone controls bypassed most of the time, because of the lower noise floor Jesse mentioned and because the timing just falls into place better (tighter imaging).

    The use of RTAs with a calibrated mic to drive gentle use of the sliders in a good EQ is not mentioned here much (or the controls in a parametric eq). I have a 1/3 octave Yamaha pro eq connected to the Carver's processor loop 2. I have set the EQ based on readings from a Rane RA 27 RTA and found some improvement in sound (with some noise added, again the trade-offs). But there is something to be said for the gentle use of a good EQ to tame a room response curve. Any EQ adjustments must be made as small as possible and nowhere near the x-over point of the speakers for this to work. I am not saying it makes a bad room magically sound great, but it can make it sound better is some regards, in my experience ("better" being subjective of course, as we end pay a price in noise and phase shifts).

    My perspective...

  • George Grand
    George Grand Posts: 12,258
    edited February 2014
    Swapping tubes, swapping cables (speaker and interconnect) in and out, all tone control and eq to a lesser degree.
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 32,945
    edited February 2014
    Swapping tubes, swapping cables (speaker and interconnect) in and out, all tone control and eq to a lesser degree.

    Very true Mr. Grand, but you also get some nice bennies along with that.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • headrott
    headrott Posts: 5,496
    edited February 2014
    I would never use an EQ (of any type) in my system, but I do swap tubes in my system. Tubes add much more to a system than simply tone and frequency range, however. Soundstage, detail, and even imaging are all affected by tubes (as well as many other audible audio aspects).
    Taken from a recent Audioholics reply regarding "Club Polk" and Polk speakers:
    "I'm yet to hear a Polk speaker that merits more than a sentence and 60 seconds discussion." :\
    My response is: If you need 60 seconds to respond in one sentence, you probably should't be evaluating Polk speakers.....

    "Green leaves reveal the heart spoken Khatru"- Jon Anderson

    "Have A Little Faith! And Everything You'll Face, Will Jump From Out Right On Into Place! Yeah! Take A Little Time! And Everything You'll Find, Will Move From Gloom Right On Into Shine!"- Arthur Lee
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 32,945
    edited February 2014
    LOL....Tom's descriptions in post 61 remind me of..."You know your a Redneck when...." lol.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
    Acoustic zen Matrix 2 IC's
    Wireworld eclipse 7 ic's
    Audio metallurgy ga-o digital cable


    Sonos zp90
    Grant Fidelity tube dac
    B&k 1420
    lsi 9's
  • Phatattack
    Phatattack Posts: 30
    edited May 2014
    A good equalizer is more than a light show, my integra brought the flAt response I had been trying to achieve for quite some time....... Although the light show is pretty cool
  • Phatattack
    Phatattack Posts: 30
    edited May 2014