New home theater setup help

Posts: 87
I have the following:
Receiver - Denon 3803
Center - Polk CSi40
Fronts - Polk RTi70
Surrounds - Polk FXi 30
Sub - Polk PSW404
DVD - Samsung DVD-hd931
My question is how is the best way to hook all of this up? Should I use the Denon sub out RCA jack? If so, what jack do I use as the input on my sub? If not, how then should I hook it up? Does the denon send unfiltered sound to the sub? Help!
Receiver - Denon 3803
Center - Polk CSi40
Fronts - Polk RTi70
Surrounds - Polk FXi 30
Sub - Polk PSW404
DVD - Samsung DVD-hd931
My question is how is the best way to hook all of this up? Should I use the Denon sub out RCA jack? If so, what jack do I use as the input on my sub? If not, how then should I hook it up? Does the denon send unfiltered sound to the sub? Help!
Post edited by brentman0110 on
yes use the lfe out, use the lfe input on you sub, or if there isnt one just use the right input in the stereo inuts and yes, im pretty sure lfe is unfiltered. enjoy your new setup
I have 3. A left right and a (unfiltered) input. Which one will deliver the best bass?
Try the right one on the left next to the unfiltered one??LOL:DOld School stuff
Sunfire Theater Grand Processor
Sunfire Cinema Grand 225x5 Amp
Monster AVS 2000 Signature
Polk RT800i's
Polk CS400i
Polk FX500's
(2) 2700 watt Sunfire Signature Subs
65' HDTV Mitsubishi Widescreen -
OK. Great! DOES THE TYPE OF CABLE REALLY MATTER TO THE SOUND RECEIVED? I have it wired with a cheap RCA cable?
You're going to get a varitey of responses about cable quality, some folks are really into wire and interconnects, while others aren't.
Get a decent quality sub cable that has good shielding, preferably a y-cable and connect to both the left and right inputs. Doing so gets you an additional 3db.
I use mostly AR cables and have a Tributaries cable for my sub. The only reason I bought it was because it was the right length and it has better shielding than the P.O.S. Monster cable I was using. -
Thanks. I need at least 25 ft
Best to use the unflitered input. If you use the Y-cable and the left and right inputs, you will be running your sub off of two crossovers -- the one in the amp, and the one in the sub. For an extra 3 dbs, just turn up the gain on the sub.
Not really. The receivers crossover will determine what frequencies are sent to the sub via the sub-out (LFE) jack. Turning up the sub crossover all the way will insure that you aren't double filtering the signal.
You can find 25' lengths from a number of suppliers/manufactures. You could even make your own for just a few bucks. Any electrical supply house, Radio Shack, or PartsExpress can get you the cable and connectors you need. -
That's true Frank, and it probably doesn't matter that much anyway, but with the left and right jacks you are still going through the electronics of the extra crossover network -- that can't be helping the sound
Whatever sounds best is the way to hook it up I suppose. btw, FrankZ as in Zappa?
If I was Frank Zappa....I'd be De-composing right about now.;)
Originally posted by Frank Z
Not really. The receivers crossover will determine what frequencies are sent to the sub via the sub-out (LFE) jack. Turning up the sub crossover all the way will insure that you aren't double filtering the signal.
Right on Point and well said!
HBomb***WAREMTAE*** -
Well, I didn't say that running off of the left and right inputs would double filter. Why, though, add the extra garbage of the subs crossover to the mix if you don't have to? As far as getting three more dbs, just turn up the gain to the sub on the receiver or on the sub itself...
turning up the gain leads to quicker distortion i think
Originally posted by Airplay355
turning up the gain leads to quicker distortion i think
agreed. a happy balance between the pre and the amp is very important.
HBomb***WAREMTAE*** -
I don't think that turning up the gain on the sub leads to any more distortion than running the signal hotter by using the y-adapter trick. Either way you boosting the gain to the same circuits and electronics. Using the y-adapter on the psw404 feeds the signal into the subs built in crossover, using the unfiltered input does not. Why put the signal through an extra crossover network if you don't have to?
Some subs, like mine, have a 'direct' mode, which bypasses the sub's internal crossover. So I 'Y' split into the RCA input jacks on the sub for the gain & subsequent better results with the auto on/off circuit. Oh, and my sub doesn't have an LFE in, unfiltered input. But I believe that if you're going in via the RCAs on your sub, that it's best to 'Y' split it.
Two Channel Setup:
Speakers: Wharfedale Opus 2-3
Integrated Amp: Krell S-300i
DAC: Arcam irDac
Source: iMac
Remote Control: iPad Mini
3.2 Home Theater Setup:
Fronts: Klipsch RP-160M
Center: Klipsch RP-160M
Subwoofer: SVS PB12NSD (X 2)
AVR: Yamaha Aventage RX-A2030
Blu Ray: Sony BDP-S790
TV Source: DirecTV Genie -
I currently have this wired via Monster RCA cable using the LFE unfilterted port. I do not have a y adapter, but this seems to be working well.
Your LFE unfiltered port on the sub? Are you saying that this has two input jacks?
Two Channel Setup:
Speakers: Wharfedale Opus 2-3
Integrated Amp: Krell S-300i
DAC: Arcam irDac
Source: iMac
Remote Control: iPad Mini
3.2 Home Theater Setup:
Fronts: Klipsch RP-160M
Center: Klipsch RP-160M
Subwoofer: SVS PB12NSD (X 2)
AVR: Yamaha Aventage RX-A2030
Blu Ray: Sony BDP-S790
TV Source: DirecTV Genie