Best way to wire RT2000i subs.

Posts: 4
Just received a pair of RT2000i's. How do most people have their subs in the RT2000i's wired? My receiver is a Sony 555es and it has a sub output. I also have a older small Kenwood sub hooked up to it. I will eventually try all options, but just curious how most owners have them hooked up. 1)Go with straight speaker wire, and leave the metal jumpers on, 2)Bi-wire with two seperate pairs of wires coming from the receiver, or 3)Use the sub output connection from the receiver. My listening room is not very large, so I don't need a lot of bass. I'm just looking for the cleanest sound. Any info. would be helpful. Thanks.
Post edited by bedevils22 on
I have mine connected to the speaker out of my Denon 4802, jumpers in place, volumn at around 1. Works for me.
Merry Christmas
Gary -
I have mine hooked up the same way... since I run my sub off the LFE channel... works great for me....though my volume on the 2000i's is set at 12:00...but that is a personal taste
Ok, i have a sub out channel on my receiver (one RCA slot only). What i did is that i hooked THX compatible RCA cable going from my receiver to the line in of my right speaker. Then, from the line out of that same speaker i hooked up another THX compatible RCA cable that goes in the line in of my left speaker.
I didnt bi-wire my RT2000 but i think i will sooner or later. I kept the metal brackets on and i set them up at a volume of around 7-9 cuz i like to FEEL an explosion when watching a movie.
It works pretty good but i was wondering if that was the best way to hook these babies up ?
Should i use splitters (Y rca cables)..etc, etcRT2000i
PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43" -
In actuality...there is No "Best" way to hook them up.. only what you like/prefer... experimentation is the best way...try as many ways possible and pick what yOU like the bets....
good luck..
thomas:cool: -
for those of you whose recievers have front lft and rght pre-outs, run them directly into your line in on the polks and set your speakers to large, take off jumpers..
keep your sub out for your sub..... -
Hmmmm, i'm not exactly sure that i have the appropriate pre-outs channel on my amp
I have a sub pre out (which i use for my rt2000i), i have a center pre out.
Now, i have 2 other pre outs but there is the word surround written under the left channel. Are these two pre outs for my surround speakers only or can i hook my rt2000i throught them ?
PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43" -
what kind of reciever do you have??
do your pre-outs look like this??
frnt O center O Surnd O
frnt O sub O Surnd O
next to front is the left channel(white) underneath is the right channel(red) your center is your center and under that is your sub, the next category is surround, this is you left and right rears, no need to connect these unless your rear speakers have a sub or are full range 20-20000..
although your fronts have built in subs they do not have to be connected to your sub pre-out, your left and right pre-out's will give you full range to your speakers, all the bass you need to drive them, say the 2000's go down to 30hrz, your front pre-outs will give you that range, set your sub to 20hrz if you can, you should have an adjustable crossover in the back.. the defination of subwoofer is a woofer that goes below your mains(IE: subwoofer)
people often don't quite understand this and are confused.. for the optimun dolby digital set up all your speakers should be full range with built in subs, this giving you full range on every channel so you will have no peaks and valleys during intense movie action, and your sub should go below your mains, so the lfe channel has some impact to give you that low bass!! I notice that the polks don't give you that low bass below 20hrz, their lucky to give you 30, the low bass 0-10hrz is rarely heard, only felt!! that is true bass from the sub.. just make sure you disconnect the jumpers and set your mains to large... -
I have a decent Kenwood VR-2080.
My pre outs look like this
surround left O surround right O
center O subwoofer O
So i guess that i have no choice but t plug my 2000's with my subwoofer pre out...
But now a question comes to my mind. By plugging them with the subwoofer pre out, does that mean that i get my bass from movies or music in MONO ?!?!
Cuz, if this is the case, i'm getting an receiver that has L/R/C/SL/SR/SW preouts. :mad:
Ok, now lets say that i do have a receiver that has all those pre outs. If i understand what you are saying, the bass that would come out of my 2000's if i had them plugged in the L&R front pre outs would be just as good (in quality)as my current settings (sub pre out, see above post) ? And it would be stereo right ?
Thanks aheadRT2000i
PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43" -
yes you are correct!!
I had an old yammy the 2092, it had pre-outs for the front channels but they had jumper bars on them and I was screwed, I did have two sub outs on that reciever, had one to my sub and got a Y adapter and split the other to my front right and left speakers, and yes, since the sub is mono, you are getting mono out of your fronts for bass. your not getting the bass in pure 2 channel, you can either bi-wire if you have a bi-wireable amp, or just connect the jumpers and let you speaker cable carry the bass, or get a new reciever with all the pre-outs you need.. the 2080 wasn't bad in it's day but now you have a great reason to upgrade... may I suggest the Denon 4802, or the 5800, you will be more than happy with either, the 5800 should go down in price the middle of this month with the 5803 being announced at the ces show, but the 5800 will be upgraded to 5803 status sometime in the first quarter, so if you were to buy the 5800 for a good price you could get it upgraded for a minimal price say 600, compared to the msrp on the 5803 rumored to be around 4999, I paid 2359 for my 5800 and got free shipping, the mother is 70lbs. it has two sets of 7.1 channel imputs, that means it is the only reciever you could hook up DVD-A and SACD to at the same time and do a side by side comparision, plenty of pre-outs to suit your taste and a slew of assiginable digital imputs and 2 outputs.... -
Are those prices in US $ !!!?!?!
I'M not what you could call an audiophile. I'm still going to school and all. Those denon amps sound mighty good but they are a bit heavy on the price side (which is normal for a good receiver).
I was thinking of getting the VR-3180, it has all the pre outs i need and it offers better sound then its predecessors since motorola designed the board itself. And with the 5-series allready beeing sold, i could get it for as low as 300 US $
Boy does those denon's look good !!!!
PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43" -
take a look at the denon 1802... I think it is in the $350 to 500 range and the 2802 is around 600-700, I'm not too sure if the 1802 has all the pre-outs though, I think it does not sure..
or an lower end onkyo, IMOP they are a better sounding unit then the kenwood, even some of the Harmon stuff has gotten a little better, although kenwood has improved also..
goto Yahoo, click shopping, and type in model number of recievers you are interested in and you will be suprised how low some of the prices are.... this holds true for any audio equipment including polk speakers......
good luck!! -
Hey thanks !
I think that i'm a little crazy. I live in a small apt and i have 2 rt2000'2 and 2 FX/1000
Now i need a new amp !!!But the thing is that the 1802 juices up 80 watts, i dont want to downgrade on sound power
But it does have all the pre outs i needRT2000i
PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43" -
denon's 80 watts is equal to or not greater than the kenwood at 110watts.. both companys measure wattage different, sony and the lower end commericial stuff is real bad....
by the way your neighbors must love the 2000's!!
I have 2, 2000's a cs1000p center definitive tech bp3x rears with a sub hooked up to both and another sub for the lfe channel, I need a bigger room..... -
It is not the room that needs fixing !!!!;)
Again i'm kidding.
I dont know if they like the 2000's, they havent been around since i got them ( i had to settle for the cherry wood ones, since the oak was discontinued and they were all out of blacks).
But i did make 2 of their light bulbs fall off when i used to have big cerwin vega's speakers !!! IT'S TRUE
Thanks for all the advice, ill go check out the 1802 & 2802 tomorrow
Hey, btw, how old are you Shrek ?RT2000i
PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43" -
So if I am understanding you correctly I can hook my rt2000's to my pre-outs on my Onkyo 787. Do I take the pre-out and plug it directly into the sub woofer line level in? Do I still need to hook the speaker wire up for the high level input? Will this give my rt2000 subs any better performance?
Yes plug your Front right pre out to your right main speaker into the line in, same thing for the left speaker.
But you still need to use standard speaker wire (high level) to plug your 2000's.
And yes you will get better bass response from your speakers by plugging it that way.
KEEP THE GOLD PLATES ON!! They say to remove them in the book but i found that it just doesnt helpRT2000i
PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43" -
NO NO NO............
the gold plates HAVE to come off, they are jumpers!!! I:E: jumping the high to the low, this way allowing the one speaker cable to power the highs and lows, by plugging in your pre-outs and keeping the jumpers on you are accompolishing nothing.. your still only using the speaker cables.... -
But i there is hardly any sound that comes out of my woofers when i take the jumpers off.......!?
Damn, i guess that i'll go back to the tweaking and trying part
Ok, ok, remove the plates if you use the R & L pre outs but what if i use the sub pre out ? Do i still remove them ?RT2000i
PIONEER PDP 4360-HD 43" -
yes, because the seconnd pair of binding posts powers the bottom of the speaker...... try this, i've seen it in some high end audio stores, take the red(right) and connect it to the lower post, then take the black(left) and connect it to the upper post, do the opposite on the other speaker, and remove your binding posts, try it with them off then on, see how you like it... I've never tried it myself but I've heard people rave about it...
What ended up working for you bedevils?? I have rt1000p for the mains and am trying to figure out the best way to set them up..I have a psw450 as well. and am trying to find the best setup configuration.