Tube amplifiers...

Posts: 2,576
I know this is a real dumb question but I just have to ask. I noticed alot of members on this forum really like these so called "tube amplifiers". I know nothing of these amplifiers. From some of the specs I've seen they don't seem rated as really powerful, wattage wise that is. What is the reasoning behind these amplifiers. Like I said until becoming a member here I'd never really seen one and I've never heard one. Is the sound quality the reasoning behind these purchases or is there something else involved that I'm just not seeing. I'd love to get more info on these amps. Just remember members, take it easy on me. I guess I've lived a sheltered life.:cool:
Money Talks, Mine says Goodbye Rob!!!!
Post edited by Grimster74 on
Here's the Tube Primer from Audio Asylum.
A tube set-up when paired with the right speakers will destroy SS set-ups costing a lot more.
When looking at tube amps, you also have to think about the speakers you want them to drive.
Also, tubes sound very different compared to SS. Tubes are warmer, smoother, more open and have a very rich sound with great texture. They seem to bring out the emotions in music a lot better too.
One great thing about them is the ability to change and fine tune the sound of your system by trying out different brands of tubes.
Try to look for a dealer with tube equipments and give them a demo.
Hope this helps.
Maurice -
SS amps have more "punch" than the tube amp. Guitar players are always searching for the ultimate in tone, tube amps are very popular with rythym players, they now make guitar amps that are ss but imitate tubes. It is the same with playback of audio recordings it is all about tone with the tubes resulting in the warmer sound.
That's true with most speakers. But high sensitivity speakers with tubes can have as much "punch" as any conventional speakers with SS gear. My Klipsch has WAY more punch driven by a tube amp than my 800i or LSi9 being driven by a SS amp.
Guitar players also use tubes because they like the "soft" distortion tubes produce.