Power Cords - Cardas or PS-Audio

Posts: 135
Recently I tried PS-Audio power cords, they tend to be quite stiff specialy plus and statement. Prelude was still ok because it has stranded wire only.
Has some one here has tried Cardas power cords ? Are they more flexible or mangeable than PS-Audio.
Any other reason why one is better than others.
Any comments will help.
Has some one here has tried Cardas power cords ? Are they more flexible or mangeable than PS-Audio.
Any other reason why one is better than others.
Any comments will help.
Post edited by tapeshc on
At that level I would simply get the one that is cheaper. I cannot imagine either brand being better than the other, they are both high quality. When you get into a very large gauge, "flexibility" is really not going to happen.CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
I agree even I think they must be equaly good but now the issue is which one is more flexible.
PS-Audio is not I know now, how about Cardas.Thanks
Tapesh -
The Cardas PC is known to be be dark sounding, which is fine if you have a bright system, but it's not one of their better efforts and not popular with the audiophool crowd. The PS Statement is a great PC, hard to beat at any price. I'm waiting for them to come out with a 20 amp IEC version so I can enjoy the benefits again on my new gear. It is stiff, but you just have to pre-shape it before using.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
I'm totally happy with my Cardas Cross. It is a kind of stiff though. If you do try Cardas, I think the Cross is the lowest you should go.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
ATCVenom: Does Audience make nice interconnects? I was actually referred to them by somebody I know. HE recommended to look at the Audience Conductors...I've located a dealer who has promised me a trial period if I pay for the shipping. It's their entry level cable but I'm still at a loss to understanding the difference between cables, and how much of a difference they really can make.
Skip the Conductors and go for the AU24, although the AU24 seems to be a love/hate kinda deal, it's well known to best the ConductorPolitical Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
I think I will be going down the power cord upgrade trail in the near future. I'm still using all my stock power cords on my cd players and preamps / amps. Which power cords do you recommend upgrading first? I'm thinking the power amps.
Also, what type of power cord do you recommend for cd players? Most of the power cords I see are for amps. I've seen this one for cd players from audioquest? Are you familiar with it or have another recommendation?
http://www.audioadvisor.com/store/productdetail.asp?sku=AQNRG13&product_name=NRG-1%20AC%20Power%20Cable -
Actually, it looks like my cd players and amps use the same IEC connection on the cd / amp end. The power cord on the link above would be for my B&K preamp.
That PC will not work on any of your gear, it's for DVD and game stations.
All of your hi-fi gear will have a IEC type connector if they have a detachable PC. I'd recommend getting one for the CD player first as I believe that the source can make the biggest difference. Tell me what price range you're considering and I'd be able to help you better.
JessePolitical Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Thanks F1. Yes they all have the same IEC on the source / amp side. Except for my PT5 B&K preamp which has the "skinny" connection like that NRG Audioquest cable.
I'm looking to upgrade four IEC power cables. One for my B&K AVR307 on my LSi home theater system, one for my Myryad cdp also on the HT system but I use the Myryad for two channel listening on the LSi, one for my B&K ST125.2 two channel amp (two channel office system), and the other for my new Jolida tube output cd player on some Spendor S8 speakers (also for the office setup). So that's four IEC power cords so I'm looking to keep the cost around $270 / each since that will be a over a grand right there. Wow these buggers are expensive.
Now the B&K ST5 preamp that's one weird one there. The audioquest cable is the only one that i've found.
"Dark" is not something I'm really after. My components and speakers are warm enough. Using Transparent ICs / speaker wire in the HT and Kimber Kable Hero / 8TC in the two channel for both ICs and speaker wire.
The power cables I've been looking at are:
PS Audio Statement -- on sale at AA for $270 regular $400.
Analysis Plus Power Oval -- $270
Kimber Kable PK 14 -- $150
Kimber Kable PK 14 gold -- $270
and some of the Cardas offerings
Paul -
Hmmm.....the PT5 has that other style, huh? Oh well, I learn something new every day. That's a good group on your list. I know the Statement is great, I've heard great things about the PK10, but not the PK14 and the Power Plus is good too. Another top cable to consider is the Audience Powerchord and they offer any type of connector out there, so that would solve the PT5 needs too.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Okay F1. Thanks. I think I'll start off with one PS Audio Statement cable and go from there. ATC's been telling me about these Audience cables for a while too so I might try one out after I realize any benefits of the Statement cable on my cd player. I was kind of surprised you recommended upgrading the source power cable first. I thought it would have been the amps but shucks I'm just going down this power cord road thing. Its the last leg of my upgrade journey here for a while (yeah right!).
Paul -
You can't go wrong with the Statement, excellent choice! Give it a few days of non-stop play to break it in and be sure you pre-shape the cord first, it's not very flexible.
It all begins with the source......you know garbage in, garbage out.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
F1 - There are other pieces of equipment that use that type of connector, it is just not common.
PJ - EZC, Polkie, is a Kimber dealer, you should drop him a line, perhaps he can get an even better price on those PC's.CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint. -
I wouldn't rule out Cardas. The Cross on my integrated isn't dark. It does however take a week for it to settle, even after it's already been burned in. I've tried the Cardas Quadlink and didn't like the results. Opinions are personal and depend on the system tested. I'd recommend you try out as many power cords as you can. Especially when you're talking about that kind of cash.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
not going to check out Signal Cable Magic Power cord? just curious, it works well on my system, and very cost effective.I am sorry, I have no opinion on the matter. I am sure you do. So, don't mind me, I just want to talk audio and pie. -
Could you guys please post your positive or negaive feed backs with your power cord upgrades. Thanx in advance.Wish I was a polkologist then I could call my self Dr.warviper.
I have experienced no benefit at all, on upgrades to my HDTV and Computer(LOL)...hey I had an extra Signal Cable laying around gimme a break. I will be testing the SC on the 2CH rig when it gets set-up....but really don't care if it helps anything, as long as it doesn't hurt anything.
Honestly, I am not very concerned with power cables, as much as a signal path cable. I want it to look real good, and have the lengths as short as possible, so that is MY main motivation for custom termination.CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint. -
I don't know if you guys are aware, but you can buy the same Marinco/wattgate connectors and some carol audio grade power cable from parts express and make your own IEC cord starting at about 40 bucks.
these are the same things that signalcable is made from, among many other big ticket power cords. they are fun for someone who likes DIY projects. -
I just upgraded all my power cords to Kimber PK10 gold. Yes there was an improvement in picture & sound. I even replaced my Mits55" tv's power cord with the pk10, I needed to make a connector to the board on one end & a wattgate plug end on the other. Friends here all have tried diffrent power cables & traded cables to try & they all agree the Kimber pk10 gold was the best. I have tried only one other cable my self but I take the word from friends that have tried many thet the pk10 was best. They now all use the pk10 they all use the pk10 in thier 2 channel & ht setups. If you have a kimber dealer near you see if they let you try one & see if it works for you. Over my stock cables it made a noticable improvement on my system. If you need more than 1 power cable, order a pk10 gold say 30' finished & order extra wattgate IEC & Plug ends. Cut the 30' cable to sizes you need & finish with the wattgate ends. It is cheeper to do it that way instead of buying all finished cables. -
Cool, it's nice to hear it helped.SDA-2a, Anthem Pre-2L, Anthem Amp 1, MF A324 DAC, Rotel RCD1070
Senn HD650 Cardas, Mapletree Audio Ear+ HD2, Kimber KS1030, Bel Canto DAC2, M-Audio Transit, Laptop. -
PJ - EZC, Polkie, is a Kimber dealer, you should drop him a line, perhaps he can get an even better price on those PC's.
ezc, is this true? Are you carrying Kimber as well as Monster now?
Nice to have a Polk user who is also a retailer!
Paul -
No Im not a Kimber dealer her in Hi. There are only 2 dealers, one of which is a good friend. He can get only Kimber power cables & wattgate ends. I tried getting the line again at CES but Kimber will only have 2 dealers in Hi. One dealer does all the speaker wire interconnects & my friend has the power cord & wattgate line. If I need Kimber power cable I piggy back an order with my friend. He just brought in powercable & most everyone in our club purchased powercable. I think the last Kimber order was some crazy amont just for power cables & watt gate ends. I think just my cables was over $900 (dealer cost) retail about $1300. I changed my outlet to the wattgate audio grade outlet. That also made a slight diffrence. If you want Kimber power cables let me know & as long as you are not in a rush. Id have to wait till my friend does another order. I purchased 35' finished cable & made 1.5 & 2 meter cables from them. I dont sell the powercables in my store & it may be somthing I may stock lightly, just beacuse of the price. The PK10 gold 1.5 meter retail is about $300. The best way to purchase is 1 long finished cable & purchase wattgate ends to make shorter cables. Im currently a cable dealer for Monster, Straight Wire& Wire world. Talked to audioquest & mit at CES & should beable to get those also. Let me know if I can be of any help. -
EZC - Sorry for the confusion, I thought that you were a dealer. Well, at least you have a buddy that is the hookup on your end. Let me know if you get finalized with the MIT, I would be very interested in that line.
I am glad I saw you, I am emailing you with something funny about the package I sent you a few weeks ago.CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.