Backyard waterfall/water fountain

mudwrx Posts: 367
edited August 2013 in The Clubhouse
Last year I cleaned up one area of our backyard and put in a patio. This was a total DIY project and it came out very nice. It's one of those things you stand back and look at when finished and get the sense of pride and accomplishment (especially if you never do this stuff, like me). I posted the entire project here last summer.

This year we are replacing our fence, almost 400 feet, with the white vinyl that has the lattice on top, so the budget is blown for any other projects. (if you have never priced out fence, be prepared, it is not cheap)

However, next year I would like to build a relatively small waterfall or water fountain. We have an area just off the back deck next to the house I think would work well. There is an electrical outlet right there, and it is close to the deck to be able to enjoy it.
I am not sure if I want a deep pool to put fish in, probably not.

The area I am thinking about would be roughly 6 feet wide by 4 feet deep. Has anyone done this, or have anything similar. I am just starting the research phase and am open to any ideas or suggestions. Send photos if you got them. Thanks.
Post edited by mudwrx on


  • drumminman
    drumminman Posts: 3,396
    edited August 2013
    There are lots of DIY books at the big box home improvement stores. I suggest buying several and getting your read on. I've thought about doing something like this myself, but no time right now.

    That and my dogs would probably consider it their swimming pool :smile:
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  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited August 2013
    The possibilities are only limited to your imagination. Depending on the amount of maintenance you want or if you have pets that will be drinking from it, or if it will be in full sun, will have some limiting factors.

    Water features usually fail from not addressing the usual concerns. I'm a ponder myself, have 2, one in sun and one in shade. You can go waterfall/pond/both and even have it disappear into the ground. Do you want to hear the running water or are you more concerned with natural beauty and growing plants in it ?

    Given your smallish size, I'd say a pond is out. A disappearing water fall is probably best, you can google that for pics.
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  • jeremymarcinko
    jeremymarcinko Posts: 3,785
    edited August 2013
    I hear you, on the cost of vinyl. We had our yard done this summer @ $55 per ft. Other outfits quoted us at $75 per ft. I remember those pics of your backyard, absolutely stunning iirc. Good luck with the water feature, sounds like a great addition to your backyard retreat.
    Oh, Listen here mister. We got no way of understandin' this world. But we got as much sense of this bird flyin in the sky. Now there is a lot that bird don't know, but it don't change the fact that the world is happening to him all the same. What I am tryin to say is, is that the course of your life, well its changing, and you don't even see it- Forest Bondurant
  • Msabot1
    Msabot1 Posts: 2,098
    edited August 2013
    Those are nice...helped a buddy put one in at his place. We hauled all the stones from the river,rented a Bobcat and it turned out well. He put those Koi fish in too. We went through a few cases doing it...the little waterfall is very soothing.
  • mudwrx
    mudwrx Posts: 367
    edited August 2013
    I knew I asked you guys for a reason...I like the idea of a disappearing waterfall. This would eliminate the fish idea, which I was trying to find a way out of that. I think my wife wants them, but the pond I would have would be too small and I don't like the idea of poor fish having such small space. Plus I would have to care for them too.
    With a disappearing waterfall I can still get the babbling brook sound if I layer a couple of small pools on the way down or something like that.

    I have been reading on line and other areas to get the basics down. I have a good idea in my head on what I want it to look like. Just like my patio project, I think research and preparation will be key. I'll be sure to update any progress and/or results. Thanks.
  • jflail2
    jflail2 Posts: 2,868
    edited August 2013
    I had a friend back home that used to do these on a regular basis in his landscaping business. I don't remember much of what he said, but I do remember that he preferred to use the rubber roof lining stuff for the liner of his ponds, as it tended to last longer and be a bit more durable.
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  • exalted512
    exalted512 Posts: 10,735
    edited August 2013
    Those disappearing waterfalls look pretty sweet!
    Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it
  • mudwrx
    mudwrx Posts: 367
    edited August 2013
    Change of plans...I've been thinking if I am going to do this, why bother going small? I have a corner of my yard just begging for a water feature. So instead of doing a small waterfall by the deck, I think I will do a waterfall, stream and pond in the corner of the yard. From the deck we can see it perfectly and will be able to hear it. Anyway, still in the very early thought process but when I begin I will take lots of pictures to post and share.
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited August 2013
    mudwrx wrote: »
    Change of plans...I've been thinking if I am going to do this, why bother going small? I have a corner of my yard just begging for a water feature. So instead of doing a small waterfall by the deck, I think I will do a waterfall, stream and pond in the corner of the yard. From the deck we can see it perfectly and will be able to hear it. Anyway, still in the very early thought process but when I begin I will take lots of pictures to post and share.

    Please....please....please do your research. Google up some ponding forums and read up. While like audio, in ponding there's more than one way to skin that cat. I say this to help you avoid the most common mistakes. When you look at pics on the web of ponds, most are just installed, so naturally they look nice. You should see some 2-3 years old, full of muck and green water and dead fish. Part of ponding is to have it attractive with the least amount of maintenance. There is more to this than meets the eye especially with keeping clear water.

    Also if budget constraints will make you take short cuts, then don't do it. Starting with the pond liner and underlayment, something like a Firestone epdm 45 mil, is pretty much standard and for a good reason. Filtration and the way water flows is another concern and each pond will be different, have different needs in that regard. If this will be in full sun or shade also plays a part in all this. Another common mistake is putting rocks on the bottom of the pond. Unless you enjoy emptying the pond completely every year to clean the muck from under and around the rocks, don't do it. Most cities have ordinances for ponds so check yours. Most won't let you go more than 2 feet deep or require a fence if you go deeper.

    Bigger ponds are easier to keep clean too. Lots of thought must go into this before a shovel of dirt is removed. Draw it up on paper, figure the size, all the stuff you need and price it out. It's definitely not just a matter of digging a hole and throwing a liner in it. Look forward to your idea's and plans.
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  • mudwrx
    mudwrx Posts: 367
    edited August 2013
    tonyb wrote: »
    Please....please....please do your research. Google up some ponding forums and read up. ..

    Great advice Tony, thanks. I understand and agree with all of it. I will definitely research like crazy, as that part paid off big with my patio project. I will not be trying this until at least next year, so lots of time to plan. Your comments got me to thinking about the pond again, and I may go pondless. I do not want super high maintenance, and we also have a little one to consider.

    If I put it in the corner I am thinking, it will be mostly shade. Pros and cons to that? Have you done this project or one similar before? I am open to any and all advice/comments/suggestions. Thanks.
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited August 2013
    Yes, have done many ponds and each one was a learning experience. What climate are you in ? Corner, shade, no problem but will limit you on any tropical plants you may wish to plant. Tree's around that may drop stuff in the pond ? Have a fence ? You could always make a raised pond so the little one doesn't fall in. Have a dog that likes to swim ?

    Just to give you a rough estimate of say a 10 by 15 foot pond with a waterfall and stream, not including plants, I'd say about700-1000 bucks to do it right. You can do it wrong for cheaper, but I guarantee you you'll be ripping it out the following year. Ponders, like audiophiles are passionate about what they do. Lots of DIY stuff out there that works and some that doesn't. Youtube has a bunch of video's too. To get an idea of what some pond liners cost and associated equipment, visit Webb's water gardens on line. Now, some of this stuff you can get a tad cheaper, and some you can go the DIY route to save a buck, but just to give a general idea of what your in for.
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  • mudwrx
    mudwrx Posts: 367
    edited August 2013
    We are in New England, so I would use whatever plants would work in the climates and conditions, and probably shut it down for the winters. So as of now I am leaning towards a pondless feature, for maintenance and safety reasons. The corner currently has a small stone foot bridge that was already there when we bought. The corner area itself was a total mess, so I dressed it up a little with mulch and edging. I am envisioning having a stream run under the bridge and ending near a large rock not too far from it. Further back of course I would build the waterfall area.

    I will take some photos and post and/or private message if you don't mind. I think the area has lots of potential, and I don't mind spending the money t do it right. As mentioned, we are getting 400' of new vinyl fence in soon, so this years budget is spoken for. But it gives me plenty of time to plan this out, including running electrical out there.
  • tonyb
    tonyb Posts: 33,072
    edited August 2013
    Sounds like a good idea, may be a tad to far away to enjoy it though. Don't be afraid either to incorporate what you already have on hand, like the bridge or big rocks. I've seen some with elaborate water wheels even light houses. Seeing your in New England, a light house may go well.

    Just a side note on the disappearing waterfalls. You still have to keep the water clean and filtered unless you want a green blob in the corner of your yard. You can use chemicals that are available for ponds and waterfalls, but then you have to be careful about what may drink that water, as in wildlife,dogs,cats. Or, what most do, is build a filter into the waterfall so you don't see it. Plant a few plants on the edge of the stream. You'd probably never have to use chemicals this way except maybe at start up in the spring. This is easy and can be done for as little as 50 bucks. To get some idea's, google DIY waterfall filters or do the same for Youtube.
    Sony 850c 4k
    Pioneer elite vhx 21
    Sony 4k BRP
    SVS SB-2000
    Polk Sig. 20's
    Polk FX500 surrounds

    Acoustic zen Satori speaker cables
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  • bikezappa
    bikezappa Posts: 2,463
    edited August 2013
    A big pond will cost over $20,000 and take over a year to complete.

    I have done three ponds one big and two small.

    I loved them but they take work. If you put a pond near big trees with leaves you will have even more work.

    Have fun.
  • Ron-P
    Ron-P Posts: 8,520
    edited August 2013
    I put a small water fall in my backyard. It fits the theme of the yard, a water flume type that you see in the old west. One thing I found out was how loud such a small feature can be. Had to some major tweaking to get the noise level under control.
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