Profiles by Dalquist

Jhayman Posts: 1,548
edited July 2013 in Speakers
There is a pair of these at my local pawn shop for $50.
I have heard of Dalquist but can't really find anything on these just wondering if anyone has heard and what their thoughts are?
ATC SCM40's,VTL TL 2.5 Preamp,PSB Stratus Goldi's,McCormack DNA 500,McCormack MAP-1 Preamp,Pro-Ject Xtension 10 TT,Ortofon Cadenza Red/Nordost RedDawn LS Speaker cables, Bryston BDP-2, Bryston BDA-2,PS Audio AC-3 power cables
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  • pglbook
    pglbook Posts: 2,232
    edited July 2013
    I have never heard of the Profile line but Dahlquist made some great speakers (the Dahlquist DQ 10 being a legendary speaker).

    You cannot go wrong for $50 if they are in good condition and work fine.

    I say you should go and get them and see how they sound.
  • Jhayman
    Jhayman Posts: 1,548
    edited July 2013
    Thanks pglbook
    ATC SCM40's,VTL TL 2.5 Preamp,PSB Stratus Goldi's,McCormack DNA 500,McCormack MAP-1 Preamp,Pro-Ject Xtension 10 TT,Ortofon Cadenza Red/Nordost RedDawn LS Speaker cables, Bryston BDP-2, Bryston BDA-2,PS Audio AC-3 power cables