Using headphones with existing amp

EndersShadow Posts: 17,597
edited August 2013 in Headphones
I cant find the post, or remember who talked about it, but someone posted a item that allowed you to take the outputs from an existing amp, connect them into this unit, and it would let you connect your headphones into it.

I thought it might be Zingo or Face, but it looks like I was wrong. So if you remember the post, or thread please let me know.

I thought it would be a cool product to use if you already like your existing tube or solid state amp, but want to be able to connect headphones into it.

In my case my TGP-II doesnt have a headphone output on it (and I am using coaxial for signal) and I dont want to have to buy a headphone amp just for it on top of the other amps I already have.

Thanks in advance.
"....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
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