Falling Skies!

EndersShadow Posts: 17,598
edited June 2013 in The Clubhouse
Looking forward to tonight for the 2 hour Premeir of Falling Skies. Pretty excited, though not as excited as upstatemax must be for the new kido!

Congrats to Upstatemax.

Now lets start the rumours about what we will see tonight...

I am curious about this new alien race they look to be intro'ing. Friend, Fake Friend that turns foe in the long run.. etc...

Should be fun.....
"....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963)
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  • Jetmaker737
    Jetmaker737 Posts: 1,062
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for the heads up. DVR is now set.
    SystemLuxman L-590AXII Integrated Amplifier|KEF Reference 1 Loudspeakers|PS Audio Directream Jr|Sansui TU-9900 Tuner|TEAC A-6100 RtR|Nakamichi RX-202 Cassette
  • Jhayman
    Jhayman Posts: 1,548
    edited June 2013
    I think it will be an M.night Shaymaln, I know I misspelled his name wrong, but anyway it will be like one of his movies where something really weird happens then later it just stops for no reason, and really no explanation..
    ATC SCM40's,VTL TL 2.5 Preamp,PSB Stratus Goldi's,McCormack DNA 500,McCormack MAP-1 Preamp,Pro-Ject Xtension 10 TT,Ortofon Cadenza Red/Nordost RedDawn LS Speaker cables, Bryston BDP-2, Bryston BDA-2,PS Audio AC-3 power cables
    TNHNDYMAN Posts: 2,145
    edited June 2013
    ditto ^
    2-ch System: Parasound P/LD 2000 pre, Parasound HCA-1000 amp, Parasound T/DQ Tuner, Phase Technology PC-100 Tower speakers, Technics SL-1600 Turntable, Denon 2910 SACD/CD player, Peachtree DAC iT and X1asynchorus USB converter, HSU VTF-3 subwoofer.

  • polkfarmboy
    polkfarmboy Posts: 5,703
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for the heads up on this one
  • Jhayman
    Jhayman Posts: 1,548
    edited June 2013
    WOW my medication was way off base with my comment..lol
    I actually thought Falling Skies was the name of the New show starting June24 called Under the Dome, lol
    So Please forgive me, I have no idea what this show is even about, lol
    ATC SCM40's,VTL TL 2.5 Preamp,PSB Stratus Goldi's,McCormack DNA 500,McCormack MAP-1 Preamp,Pro-Ject Xtension 10 TT,Ortofon Cadenza Red/Nordost RedDawn LS Speaker cables, Bryston BDP-2, Bryston BDA-2,PS Audio AC-3 power cables
  • polkfarmboy
    polkfarmboy Posts: 5,703
    edited June 2013
    I thought this was a first season premier?
  • oldmodman
    oldmodman Posts: 740
    edited June 2013
    ZLTFUL wrote: »
    Third season I believe. I tried watching it...I really did as I am a Sci-Fi geek to the core.
    Just couldn't get into it.
    Same with Defiance on Sci-Fi. Sucks they pulled shows like Eureka and SGU and replaced it with shows like Defiance and movies like Sharktopus. :evil:

    That's for sure!

    Lots of really good shows replaced by those garbage "ghost" supernatural shows that cost NOTHING to make. That's not SciFi, that's just garbage.
  • chumlie
    chumlie Posts: 8,658
    edited June 2013
    Thought the show looked really cheezy. Low budget for sure.
  • exalted512
    exalted512 Posts: 10,735
    edited June 2013
    I might netflix this once i dump DTV.
    Music is like candy, you have to get rid of the rappers to enjoy it
  • polkfarmboy
    polkfarmboy Posts: 5,703
    edited June 2013
    I loved Caprica and still cannot get over them cancelling it or that hardly anyone watched. My new favorite geek treat is Continuum and its just aired the first episode of the second season on scifi, I recommend you guys watch the first season on netflix