For Sale feeler-Yamaha CA1010 integrated amp

jhw59 Posts: 348
edited March 2014 in For Sale (FS) Classifieds
I wanted to see if there is any interest in this nice vintage amp. I am the original owner and it served me well for many years before I got into tube amplification. I would strongly prefer local pickup (zip 20782) as it's a heavy mother but you might be able to talk me into shipping. I don;t have the original box or owners manual but do have the service guide and records for the few times it needed attention. One channel is noisy and sometimes takes a few minutes to work but then it's fine. I think I know the solution but don't have the time to pursue it;however I can recommend the local place that has worked on it over the years. You can google it for better piks that I can take. Good condition overall. PM if interested and we can take it from there. The only recent price I saw was $200 on ebay so how about $125?
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