Help me with Headphones.

Posts: 792
Im looking to get a nice pair of headphones. I currently have a set of Bose Tri-ports ( now called AE2). I have just always used Bose headphones, so when my Tri-ports break or a dog eats them I go to Amazon and order a new pair.
However I would like to step up to a better pair. Im will be using CDs, LP, and MP3s as my sources. Headphones will be powered by a cheap amp and DAC ( ).
Headphones must be Around The Ear. Buds and on-ear are out of the question. Budget is under 300.00 USD.
Two sets I see a lot of buzz about are the V-MODA m100 and Audio-Technica ATM-M50.
I demoed some B&W P5's and wasnt blown away by them ( I get them for half price ).
I also dont like Sennheiser.
Thanks for the insight.
Im looking to get a nice pair of headphones. I currently have a set of Bose Tri-ports ( now called AE2). I have just always used Bose headphones, so when my Tri-ports break or a dog eats them I go to Amazon and order a new pair.
However I would like to step up to a better pair. Im will be using CDs, LP, and MP3s as my sources. Headphones will be powered by a cheap amp and DAC ( ).
Headphones must be Around The Ear. Buds and on-ear are out of the question. Budget is under 300.00 USD.
Two sets I see a lot of buzz about are the V-MODA m100 and Audio-Technica ATM-M50.
I demoed some B&W P5's and wasnt blown away by them ( I get them for half price ).
I also dont like Sennheiser.
Thanks for the insight.
B&W CM9Classé Sigma
Post edited by RamZet on
It's too bad you've ruled out Sennheiser, because the Momentum are the best headphones I've heard that meet most of your criteria, though they are about 50 over your budget.
The M100 are a nice basshead can and really aren't bad otherwise, but they're no match sonically for the momentum IMO. That being said, for casual listening I could easily live with the M100... -
AsSiMiLaTeD wrote: »It's too bad you've ruled out Sennheiser, because the Momentum are the best headphones I've heard that meet most of your criteria, though they are about 50 over your budget.
I can get them for half price ( I work for a dealer). I will give them a try at my local bestbuy. I haven't listen to them yet, they are fairly new. I do like the way they look.
Thanks!B&W CM9Classé Sigma -
The M50's are usually something we mention when someone is looking for a decent mid priced headphone. I think in your price range you will be able to find something that you will like better than the M50's.
Since I do almost all of my headphone listening with IEM's, I can't be of much help as I haven't spent that kind of money on cans yet.
I think a few members here, will have some good suggestions for you.
As another place for research, drop into Tyll's place at
ScottWithout music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid. ..... Frank Zappa -
So I was in the same boat as you. I needed closed headphones under 300. Here are the models I looked at:
Beyerdynamic DT-770's (what I now have)
Sony MDR-1R
AKG K 550
I emailed Tryll @ Inner Fidelity asking his thoughts on these. I needed them to be wearable for long periods (7+ hours), not get my ears all hot and sweaty, have decent isolation. Based on those thoughts it was recommended to me to get the Sony's. They were the MOST comfortable of the bunch and sounded Good but not Great. The AKG's can be hard to get a good seal on your ears which is needed to make them sound the best (I wear glasses so it was a main concern for me).
I got the Beyers because they were ones I had read up on often and came up as a good comfortable headphone more often than the ATH-50m's. I bought mine used off this forum so I actually paid less than I would have for ATH-50m's and am TOTALLY satisfied with what I have.
I have had the Beyers about a week and a half and have been using them everyday. I have no fatigue after 7+ hours, my head doesnst hurt from clamping and they sound quite good and get more than loud enough for me at work. If you really want me to type more I can lol, but figured I would save you some reading.
As a FYI here is what I was looking for (taken from one of my posts at all. I am posting here so as to not start yet another thread for headphone suggestions. I have been looking for a decent set of sealed cans for a year or so research wise. I have finally gotten to where I am ready to make a purchase however I am a bit undecided about what headphones I should buy and was hoping you might have some advice for me.
Before I tell you what I am looking for in the headphones I feel I should give you an idea of what they will be connected to most of the time.
My source is a self built mini-itx computer running Windows 7 with XBMC as my player. I re-ripped all my existing CD's as FLAC but also have a mix of MP3's of varying bitrates from back when the number of songs you could put on a MP3 player was king. I am sending the audio out over USB using the WASAPI driver to a Audio GD NFB-5 headphone DAC/Amp which is what I will connect these headphones too.
I also should probably give you an idea of the type of music I listen to as well. I listen to a bunch of different types of music, however most are more bass heavy such as techno, dubstep, rap, rock, metal. On occasion I listen to pop and acoustic music and/or county. I rarely listen to jazz or classical.
I will be using these headphones primarily at work where I work in a cubicle and don't want to disturb others nearby. As a result I am looking exclusively at sealed headphones.
I am a pretty big audiophile and sound quality is important to me, however my budget is limited enough that I realize I cannot attain the "highest" quality of sound, and since I will be doing mostly background listening with these I am ok with that.
I am looking mostly for a decently accurate headphone with good bass and that's not super harsh, and comfortable to listen to for extended periods of time without too much sweaty ear syndrome. I do wear glasses so clamping force is an issue as well.
I am NOT looking for noise cancelling headphones as the noise cancelling feature on most headphones I have used leaves me feeling weird after (I had a set of Polk UltraFocus 8000's and liked the sound, but the noise cancelling was too much for me).
I dont anticipate listening to these headphones often from my iPhone, but may on occasion so the ability to be able to do so would be nice, but is not a requirement.
My budget is around 200 - 250 max. I dont mind buying new or refurbished models, however I want to purchase from a store (online or otherwise) with a decent return policy so if I dont like the sound I have options.
Like many here there are not any stores nearby I am aware of that have these models to demo so I have to rely strictly on opinions until I make a purchase.
Some headphones I have looked at and had suggested to me are below:
Beyerdynamic DT-770's (all different ohm models)
AKG K550
Sony MDR-1R
Audio Technica ATH-50m
I am curious as to what folks think of these models compared to each other and if there are others I should be looking at (in that price range only)
So I would look at all three of those models personally. I also would suggest the Senheiser Momentums as well as Tyrll said those were his personal pick, but they were above my pricepoint. Check for used sets to save yourself some cash."....not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." William Bruce Cameron, Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking (1963) -
I read tyls review of the momentum, I normally don't agree with all his findings but he is spot on with that review.
Also be careful when demoing those Momentum next to other cans especially in a store environment. They don't jump right out at you like some other headphones do because they're not as forward sounding.
But for real world listening situations they're superb, I can listen for hours on these without any fatigue whatsoever.
If you're looking for great isolation or noise canceling though these probably aren't for you. -
Assimilated knows what he's talking about. Certainly has the time and experience in this area. The only thing I can add is that, yeah AT M50s, which I own, are a pretty good headphone (especially at their price point). But they are BULKY and kind of tough to pass off as a "portable" phone and have a bit of a U curve sound, not unlike the Beyer DT770s (which are MORE comfortable--enders. is right there--I have some DT990s and they are much easier on the head-frame).
The AKG K550s are also often recommended (though bulky), as are the Sony MDR-1R in your price range--as EnderS points out above--both receive excellent marks.
The little I've heard of Sennheisers (bought a beat up cheap pair of HD555s--not the cleanest, but very laid back and infinitely "enjoyable"--you DON'T like that sound? Hmmmm.) I find Senns to be a very forgiving headphone (as well as easy to drive), which is REALLY something you should think about if this is to be a portable phone. The Momentum's are a very "classy" looking phone. Light weight and good construction.
V-Moda 100s. Haven't heard those. But the reviews are all, mostly, very very good. And they are near indestructible and fairly portable. As far as comfort, that's another story. They do have clamping force!
There are also some cheap end phones that are worth a look, getting a lot of buzz on H-phone sites. One of our members has both pairs. They can be had for around $70 dollars or so, shipping included?
Probably Taiwanese knock offs. Not sure on the comfort except that the Takstar Hi2050s look a bit like Beyerdynamics and are semi-open back like the DT880.
The Jaycar ProMonitor is a closed back that comes with tons of accessories (including replacement pads and is also the same as the Brainwavz HM5); some have compared it to the M50s and preferred it to the Audio Technica? But these are ALSO a bulky phone, with "good" isolation and less bass than the M50s.
Happy listening. Also curious as to why you don't like the SENNHEISERS.Currently orbiting Bowie's Blackstar.!
Polk Lsi-7s, Def Tech 8" sub, HK 3490, HK HD 990 (CDP/DAC), AKG Q701s
[sig. changed on a monthly basis as I rotate in and out of my stash] -
Happy listening. Also curious as to why you don't like the SENNHEISERS.
I have installed a number of their units over the pass 6 years and im just not impressed with them. They feel cheap and sound cheap to me. I want to put on a pair of headphones and be shocked.
From what I been readings on sites like Cnet and youtube im leaning for the Vmoda M-100. But who knows as soon as I get a chance to listen to them I might hate them. The AudioTechnica M50 price is very attractive too.B&W CM9Classé Sigma -
I have Fostex PMO.4n monitors at my office desk and my company use to put fostex monitors at our A/V racks. I also have a Fostex 6301b monitor I use in my van to listen to music on job sites.
Anyone have Fostex headphones? Are they any good?B&W CM9Classé Sigma -
Depends on which ones, some are good some are marginal. Honestly, give the vast chasm between your opinion of Sennheiser and mine, if I were you I'd ignore my opinion. When you say you've 'installed' Sennheisers, what exactly do you mean?
I can tell you there's absolutely nothing cheap feeling or sounding with the momentum, they exude quality and premium materials. -
Sennheisers are going to be your best bet if you don't want to get another pair of the AE2s... I love those as well as the one above that model.Receiver: Denon 1912
Fronts: Polk Audio Monitor 70s (x2)
Rears: Polk Audio Monitor 50 (x2)
Center: Polk Audio Monitor 70
KLH Sub GFX-550 -
custopper30 wrote: »Sennheisers are going to be your best bet if you don't want to get another pair of the AE2s... I love those as well as the one above that model.
My friend said she has them setup at Best Buy Magnolia, I'm going to go try them out.B&W CM9Classé Sigma -
AsSiMiLaTeD wrote: »Depends on which ones, some are good some are marginal. Honestly, give the vast chasm between your opinion of Sennheiser and mine, if I were you I'd ignore my opinion. When you say you've 'installed' Sennheisers, what exactly do you mean?
I can tell you there's absolutely nothing cheap feeling or sounding with the momentum, they exude quality and premium materials.
I do multi room audio,video, home automation for living. A lot of clients like to have headphone at their desk and beds. So by install I mean I put a wall jack in so they can plug headphones in and listen to their music or TV. ( we sell Sennheiser )B&W CM9Classé Sigma -
Ok so I need to update my original post. The b&w headphones I demoed were the P3. I just demoed the P5 and sennheiser side by side. just WOW! What amazing headphones. The P5 and the Momentum are tied.
The b&w had a sound I liked slightly better. But just slightly, like %0.5 better. However the Sennheisers are over the ear phones. This will be my deciding factors and I will have to sleep on it. ( I can get both for the same price of $179.99.)
I must say the new Sennheiser headphones sound better then any others Sennheiser product I have used. What a nice item. I love the metal dots that hold the leather on.B&W CM9Classé Sigma